# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024, SERTIT-ICube - France, https://sertit.unistra.fr/
# This file is part of eoreader project
# https://github.com/sertit/eoreader
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
RADARSAT-Constellation Mission products.
More info `here <https://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/satellites/radarsat/technical-features/characteristics.asp>`_.
import difflib
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from enum import unique
from typing import Union
import geopandas as gpd
from lxml import etree
from sertit import vectors
from sertit.misc import ListEnum
from sertit.vectors import WGS84
from eoreader import DATETIME_FMT, EOREADER_NAME, cache
from eoreader.exceptions import InvalidProductError, InvalidTypeError
from eoreader.products import SarProduct, SarProductType
from eoreader.products.product import OrbitDirection
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(EOREADER_NAME)
class RcmProductType(ListEnum):
RADARSAT-Constellation projection identifier.
Take a look `here <https://catalyst.earth/catalyst-system-files/help/references/gdb_r/RADARSAT-2.html>`_.
""" Georeferenced. Single look complex data in slant range. """
""" Georeferenced. Multilook complex data in ground range. """
""" Georeferenced. Multilook detected data in ground range. """
Geocoded to a map projection.
Complex data.
Data commonly projected to Universal Transverse Mercator Projection (UTM)
or Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) north of 84N or south of 80S.
Geocoded to a map projection.
Detected data.
Data commonly projected to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
or Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) north of 84N or south of 80S.
class RcmSensorMode(ListEnum):
RADARSAT-Constellation sensor mode.
Take a look `here <https://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/satellites/radarsat/technical-features/characteristics.asp>`_.
.. WARNING:: The name in the metadata may vary !
THREE_M = "Very High Resolution 3m"
"""" Very-High Resolution, 3 meters [3M] """
FIVE_M = "High Resolution 5m"
"""" High Resolution, 5 meters [5M] """
QP = "Quad-Polarization"
"""" Quad-Polarization [QP] """
SIXTEEN_M = "Medium Resolution 16m"
"""" Medium Resolution, 16 meters [16M] """
THIRTY_M = "Medium Resolution 30m"
"""" Medium Resolution, 30 meters [SC30] """
FIFTY_M = "Medium Resolution 50m"
"""" Medium Resolution, 50 meters [SC50] """
SCLN = "Low Noise"
"""" Low Noise [SCLN] """
HUNDRED_M = "Low Resolution 100m"
""" Low Resolution, 100 meters [SC100] """
SD = "Ship Detection"
""" Ship Detection Mode """
FSL = "Spotlight Mode"
""" Spotlight Mode [FSL] """
class RcmProduct(SarProduct):
Class for RADARSAT-Constellation Products
You can use directly the .zip file
def _set_pixel_size(self) -> None:
Set product default pixel size (in meters)
See here
`here <https://ftp.maps.canada.ca/pub/csa_asc/Space-technology_Technologie-spatiale/radarsat_constellation_mission_plan/RCM-SP-52-9092_Product_Spec_1-15_Public.pdf>`_
for more information (Table 4-1 Raw and Image Product Description Table - Contents and Volumes, page 18)
if self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.THREE_M:
def_pixel_size = 1.25
def_res = 3.0
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.FIVE_M:
def_pixel_size = 2.0
def_res = 5.0
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.QP:
def_pixel_size = 2.5
def_res = 9.0
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.SIXTEEN_M:
def_pixel_size = 6.25
def_res = 16.0
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.THIRTY_M:
def_pixel_size = 12.5
def_res = 30.0
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.FIFTY_M:
def_pixel_size = 20.0
def_res = 50.0
elif self.sensor_mode in [RcmSensorMode.HUNDRED_M, RcmSensorMode.SCLN]:
def_pixel_size = 40.0
def_res = 100.0
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.FSL:
def_pixel_size = 0.33
def_res = 1.0 # 3.0*1.0
raise InvalidProductError(f"Unknown sensor mode: {self.sensor_mode}")
self.pixel_size = def_pixel_size
self.resolution = def_res
def _pre_init(self, **kwargs) -> None:
Function used to pre_init the products
(setting needs_extraction and so on)
# SNAP cannot process zipped RCM
self.needs_extraction = True
# Its original filename is its name
self._use_filename = True
# Private attributes
self._raw_band_regex = "*_{}.tif"
self._band_folder = self.path / "imagery"
self.snap_filename = ""
# Pre init done by the super class
def wgs84_extent(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
Get the WGS84 extent of the file before any reprojection.
This is useful when the SAR pre-process has not been done yet.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from eoreader.reader import Reader
>>> path = r"RS2_OK73950_PK661843_DK590667_U25W2_20160228_112418_HH_SGF.zip"
>>> prod = Reader().open(path)
>>> prod.wgs84_extent
1 POLYGON ((106.57999 -6.47363, 107.06926 -6.473...
gpd.GeoDataFrame: WGS84 extent as a gpd.GeoDataFrame
# Open extent KML file
extent_file = next(self.path.joinpath("preview").glob("*mapOverlay.kml"))
product_kml = vectors.read(extent_file)
extent_wgs84 = product_kml[product_kml.Name == "Polygon Outline"].envelope
except (IndexError, StopIteration):
# Some RCM products don't have any mapOverlay.kml file as it is not a mandatory file!
extent_wgs84 = self._fallback_wgs84_extent("preview/mapOverlay.kml")
# Reproject to be sure
extent_wgs84 = extent_wgs84.to_crs(WGS84)
return gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=extent_wgs84.geometry, crs=extent_wgs84.crs)
def _set_instrument(self) -> None:
Set instrument
RCM: https://earth.esa.int/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/r/rcm
self.instrument = "SAR C-band"
def _set_product_type(self) -> None:
"""Set products type"""
# Get MTD XML file
root, nsmap = self.read_mtd()
namespace = nsmap.get(None, "")
# Open identifier
prod_type = root.findtext(f".//{namespace}productType")
if not prod_type:
raise InvalidProductError("productType not found in metadata!")
self.product_type = RcmProductType.from_value(prod_type)
if self.product_type in [RcmProductType.GRD, RcmProductType.GCD]:
self.sar_prod_type = SarProductType.GDRG
elif self.product_type in [
self.sar_prod_type = SarProductType.CPLX
raise NotImplementedError(
f"{self.product_type.value} product type is not available for {self.name}"
if self.product_type != RcmProductType.GRD:
"Other products type than GRD has not been tested for %s data. "
"Use it at your own risks !",
def _set_sensor_mode(self) -> None:
Get products type from RADARSAT-2 products name (could check the metadata too)
# Get metadata
root, nsmap = self.read_mtd()
namespace = nsmap.get(None, "")
# Get sensor mode
# WARNING: this word may differ from the Enum !!! (no docs available)
# Get the closest match
sensor_mode_xml = root.findtext(f".//{namespace}acquisitionType")
if sensor_mode_xml:
sensor_mode = difflib.get_close_matches(
sensor_mode_xml, RcmSensorMode.list_values()
self.sensor_mode = RcmSensorMode.from_value(sensor_mode)
except ValueError as ex:
raise InvalidTypeError(f"Invalid sensor mode for {self.name}") from ex
raise InvalidTypeError(f"Invalid sensor mode for {self.name}")
def get_datetime(self, as_datetime: bool = False) -> Union[str, datetime]:
Get the product's acquisition datetime, with format :code:`YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS` <-> :code:`%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`
.. code-block:: python
>>> from eoreader.reader import Reader
>>> path = r"RS2_OK73950_PK661843_DK590667_U25W2_20160228_112418_HH_SGF.zip"
>>> prod = Reader().open(path)
>>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=True)
datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 28, 11, 24, 18)
>>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=False)
as_datetime (bool): Return the date as a datetime.datetime. If false, returns a string.
Union[str, datetime.datetime]: Its acquisition datetime
# Get MTD XML file
root, nsmap = self.read_mtd()
namespace = nsmap.get(None, "")
# Open identifier
acq_date = root.findtext(f".//{namespace}rawDataStartTime")
if not acq_date:
raise InvalidProductError("rawDataStartTime not found in metadata!")
# Convert to datetime
date = datetime.strptime(acq_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
if not as_datetime:
date = date.strftime(DATETIME_FMT)
return date
def _get_name_constellation_specific(self) -> str:
Set product real name from metadata
str: True name of the product (from metadata)
# The name is not in the classic metadata, but can be found in the manifest
mtd_from_path = "preview/productPreview.html"
mtd_archived = r"preview.*productPreview\.html"
root = self._read_mtd_html(mtd_from_path, mtd_archived)
# Open identifier
name = root.findtext(".//header/h2")
if not name:
raise InvalidProductError("header/h2 not found in metadata!")
except InvalidProductError:
"productPreview.html not found in the product, the name will be the filename"
name = self.filename
return name
def _read_mtd(self) -> (etree._Element, dict):
Read metadata and outputs the metadata XML root and its namespaces as a dict
.. code-block:: python
>>> from eoreader.reader import Reader
>>> path = r"LC08_L1GT_023030_20200518_20200527_01_T2"
>>> prod = Reader().open(path)
>>> prod.read_mtd()
(<Element {http://www.rsi.ca/rs2/prod/xml/schemas}product at 0x1c0efbd37c8>,
{None: '{http://www.rsi.ca/rs2/prod/xml/schemas}'})
(etree._Element, dict): Metadata XML root and its namespace
mtd_from_path = "metadata/product.xml"
mtd_archived = r"metadata.*product\.xml"
return self._read_mtd_xml(mtd_from_path, mtd_archived)
def _get_condensed_name(self) -> str:
Get products condensed name ({acq_datetime}_{constellation}_{polarization}_{sensor_mode}_{product_type}).
str: Condensed RCM name
# Get back the correct sensor mode name
if self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.THREE_M:
mode_name = "3M"
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.FIVE_M:
mode_name = "5M"
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.SIXTEEN_M:
mode_name = "16M"
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.THIRTY_M:
mode_name = "SC30"
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.FIFTY_M:
mode_name = "SC50"
elif self.sensor_mode == RcmSensorMode.HUNDRED_M:
mode_name = "SC100"
mode_name = self.sensor_mode.name
pol_chan = [pol.value for pol in self.pol_channels]
return f"{self.get_datetime()}_{self.constellation.name}_{'_'.join(pol_chan)}_{mode_name}_{self.product_type.value}"
def get_quicklook_path(self) -> str:
Get quicklook path if existing.
str: Quicklook path
quicklook_path = None
quicklook_path = str(next(self.path.glob("preview/productOverview.png")))
except StopIteration:
LOGGER.warning(f"No quicklook found in {self.condensed_name}")
return quicklook_path
def get_orbit_direction(self) -> OrbitDirection:
Get cloud cover as given in the metadata
.. code-block:: python
>>> from eoreader.reader import Reader
>>> path = r"S2A_MSIL1C_20200824T110631_N0209_R137_T30TTK_20200824T150432.SAFE.zip"
>>> prod = Reader().open(path)
>>> prod.get_orbit_direction().value
OrbitDirection: Orbit direction (ASCENDING/DESCENDING)
# Get MTD XML file
root, nsmap = self.read_mtd()
namespace = nsmap.get(None, "")
# Get the orbit direction
od = OrbitDirection.from_value(
except TypeError:
raise InvalidProductError("passDirection not found in metadata!")
return od