Source code for eoreader.products.optical.landsat_product

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2022, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of eoreader project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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""" Landsat products """
import logging
import tarfile
from datetime import datetime
from enum import unique
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from cloudpathlib import CloudPath
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import E
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from sertit import files, rasters, rasters_rio
from sertit.misc import ListEnum

from eoreader import cache, utils
from eoreader.bands import (
from eoreader.exceptions import InvalidProductError, InvalidTypeError
from eoreader.products import OpticalProduct
from eoreader.products.optical.optical_product import RawUnits
from eoreader.reader import Constellation
from eoreader.stac import ASSET_ROLE, BT, DESCRIPTION, GSD, ID, NAME, WV_MAX, WV_MIN
from eoreader.utils import DATETIME_FMT, EOREADER_NAME, simplify

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(EOREADER_NAME)

[docs]@unique class LandsatProductType(ListEnum): """ `Landsat products types <>`_ """ L1 = "L1" """ Ensures that the data in the Landsat Level-1 archive are consistent in processing and data quality to support time-series analyses and data stacking. Each Level-1 data product includes individual spectral band files, a metadata file, and additional ancillary files. """ L2 = "L2" """ Level-2 Science Products are time-series observational data of sufficient length, consistency, and continuity to record effects of climate change, and serve as input into Landsat Level-3 Science Products. Only for Landsat 4 to 9. Only Surface Reflectances and Temperatures are handled by EOReader """ L3 = "L3" """ Level-3 science products represent biophysical properties of the Earth's surface and are generated from Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) inputs. Not handled by EOReader. """ ARD = "ARD" """ Uses Landsat Collections Level-1 data as input to provide data that is processed to the highest scientific standards and placed in a tile-based structure to support time-series analysis. Not handled by EOReader. """
[docs]@unique class LandsatInstrument(ListEnum): """Landsat instruments""" OLI_TIRS = "OLI-TIRS" """OLI-TIRS instruments combined, for Landsat-8 and 9 constellation""" OLI = "OLI" """OLI Instrument, for Landsat-8 and 9 constellation""" TIRS = "TIRS" """TIRS Instrument, for Landsat-8 and 9 constellation""" ETM = "ETM+" """ETM+ Instrument, for Landsat-7 constellation""" TM = "TM" """TM Instrument, for Landsat-5 and 4 constellation""" MSS = "MSS" """MSS Instrument, for Landsat-5, 4, 3, 2, 1 constellation"""
_LETTER_TO_INSTRUMENT = { "C": LandsatInstrument.OLI_TIRS, "O": LandsatInstrument.OLI, "T": LandsatInstrument.TM, "E": LandsatInstrument.ETM, "M": LandsatInstrument.MSS, }
[docs]@unique class LandsatCollection(ListEnum): """ Landsat collection number. See `here <>`_ for more information """ COL_1 = "01" """Collection 1""" COL_2 = "02" """Collection 2"""
[docs]class LandsatProduct(OpticalProduct): """ Class for Landsat Products You can use directly the .tar file in case of collection 2 products. """
[docs] def __init__( self, product_path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path], archive_path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path] = None, output_path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path] = None, remove_tmp: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: # Private self._collection = None self._pixel_quality_id = None # Initialization from the super class super().__init__(product_path, archive_path, output_path, remove_tmp, **kwargs)
def _pre_init(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Function used to pre_init the products (setting needs_extraction and so on) """ self._raw_units = RawUnits.DN self._has_cloud_cover = True self._use_filename = True mtd, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open identifier name = mtd.findtext(".//LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID") if not name: raise InvalidProductError("LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID not found in metadata !") # Collections are not set yet col_nb = mtd.findtext(".//COLLECTION_NUMBER") if not col_nb: raise InvalidProductError("COLLECTION_NUMBER not found in metadata!") self._collection = LandsatCollection.from_value(col_nb) # Collection 2 do not need to be extracted. Set True by default if utils.get_split_name(name)[-2] == "02": self.needs_extraction = False # Fine to read .tar files else: self._collection = LandsatCollection.COL_1 self.needs_extraction = True # Too slow to read directly tar.gz files # Post init done by the super class super()._pre_init(**kwargs) def _post_init(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Function used to post_init the products (setting sensor type, band names and so on) """ self.tile_name = self._get_tile_name() if self._collection == LandsatCollection.COL_1: self._pixel_quality_id = "_BQA" self._radsat_id = "_BQA" else: self._pixel_quality_id = "_QA_PIXEL" self._radsat_id = "_QA_RADSAT" # Post init done by the super class super()._post_init(**kwargs) def _get_path(self, band_id: str) -> Union[CloudPath, Path]: """ Get either the archived path of the normal path of a tif file Args: band_id (str): Band ID Returns: Union[CloudPath, Path]: band path """ if self.is_archived: # Because of gap_mask files that have the same name structure and exists only for L7 if self.instrument == LandsatInstrument.ETM: regex = rf".*(RT|T1|T2)(_SR|_ST|){band_id}\." else: regex = rf".*{band_id}\." path = files.get_archived_rio_path(self.path, regex) else: path = files.get_file_in_dir(self.path, f"*{band_id}.TIF", exact_name=True) return path def _get_resolution(self) -> float: """ Get product default resolution (in meters) """ if self.constellation in [ Constellation.L8, Constellation.L9, Constellation.L7, ] or ( self.constellation in [Constellation.L4, Constellation.L5] and self.instrument == LandsatInstrument.TM ): res = 30.0 else: res = 60.0 return res
[docs] @cache @simplify def footprint(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get real footprint in UTM of the products (without nodata, in french == emprise utile) .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"LC08_L1GT_023030_20200518_20200527_01_T2" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.footprint index geometry 0 0 POLYGON ((366165.000 4899735.000, 366165.000 4... Overload of the generic function because landsat nodata seems to be different in QA than in regular bands. Indeed, nodata pixels vary according to the band sensor footprint, whereas QA nodata is where at least one band has nodata. We chose to keep QA nodata values for the footprint in order to show where all bands are valid. **TL;DR: We use the QA nodata value to determine the product's footprint**. Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Footprint as a GeoDataFrame """ if self.instrument == LandsatInstrument.ETM: LOGGER.warning( "Due to the Landsat-7 gaps, this function returns a rounded footprint on the corners. " "Sorry for the inconvenience." ) footprint_dezoom = 50 else: footprint_dezoom = 1 # Read the file with a very low resolution nodata_band = self._get_path(self._pixel_quality_id), resolution=self.resolution * footprint_dezoom, masked=False, ) # Vectorize the nodata band (rasters_rio is faster) footprint = rasters_rio.vectorize( nodata_band, values=1, keep_values=False, dissolve=True ) # footprint = vectors.get_wider_exterior(footprint) # No need here # Keep only the convex hull footprint.geometry = footprint.geometry.convex_hull return footprint
def _get_tile_name(self) -> str: """ Retrieve tile name .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"LC08_L1GT_023030_20200518_20200527_01_T2" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_tile_name() '023030' Returns: str: Tile name """ return self.split_name[2] def _set_product_type(self) -> None: """ Set landsat product type. More on spectral bands <here ``_>. See also the <description ``_>. The naming convention of L1 data can be found `here <>`_. """ # Processing level proc_lvl = self.split_name[1] try: # ARD: LC09_CU_016007_20220503_20220508_02, LT04_CU_017009_19821113_20210421_02 # Level3: LC08_CU_015007_20220416_20220423_02_BA # Level2: LC09_L2SP_024031_20220507_20220509_02_T1 self.product_type = LandsatProductType.from_value(proc_lvl[:-2]) if self.product_type not in [LandsatProductType.L1, LandsatProductType.L2]: LOGGER.warning( "Only Landsat level 1 and 2 have been tested on EOReader, ise it at your own risk." ) else: # Warning if GS (L1 only) if "GS" in proc_lvl: LOGGER.warning( "This Landsat product %s could be badly georeferenced " "as only systematic geometric corrections have been applied " "(using the spacecraft ephemeris data).",, ) except ValueError: raise InvalidProductError( "Landsat level 3 and ARD are not handled by EOReader!" ) def _set_instrument(self) -> None: """ Set instrument """ instrument_letter = self.split_name[0][1] if instrument_letter == "T" and self.constellation in [ Constellation.L8, Constellation.L9, ]: self.instrument = LandsatInstrument.TIRS else: self.instrument = _LETTER_TO_INSTRUMENT[instrument_letter] if self.instrument in [LandsatInstrument.OLI, LandsatInstrument.TIRS]: LOGGER.warning( "Product with TIRS or OLI only have not been tested in EOReader, use it at tour own risk." ) def _get_constellation(self) -> Constellation: """Getter of the constellation""" constellation_id = f"L{int(self.split_name[0][2:4])}" return getattr(Constellation, constellation_id) def _map_bands(self) -> None: """ Map bands """ if self.instrument == LandsatInstrument.MSS: self._map_bands_mss(version=int(self.constellation_id[-1])) elif self.instrument == LandsatInstrument.TM: self._map_bands_tm() elif self.instrument == LandsatInstrument.ETM: self._map_bands_etm() elif self.instrument in [ LandsatInstrument.OLI_TIRS, LandsatInstrument.OLI, LandsatInstrument.TIRS, ]: self._map_bands_oli() def _map_bands_mss(self, version: int) -> None: """ Map bands MSS Args: version (int): Landsat version """ vre_dict = { NAME: "B6" if version < 4 else "B3", ID: "6" if version < 4 else "3", GSD: 60, WV_MIN: 700, WV_MAX: 800, DESCRIPTION: "Vegetation boundary between land and water, and landforms", } nir_dict = { NAME: "B7" if version < 4 else "B4", ID: "7" if version < 4 else "4", GSD: 60, WV_MIN: 800, WV_MAX: 1100, DESCRIPTION: "Penetrates atmospheric haze best, emphasizes vegetation, boundary between land and water, and landforms", } mss_bands = { GREEN: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=GREEN, **{ NAME: "B4" if version < 4 else "B1", ID: "4" if version < 4 else "1", GSD: 60, WV_MIN: 500, WV_MAX: 600, DESCRIPTION: "Sediment-laden water, delineates areas of shallow water", }, ), RED: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=RED, **{ NAME: "B5" if version < 4 else "B2", ID: "5" if version < 4 else "2", GSD: 60, WV_MIN: 600, WV_MAX: 700, DESCRIPTION: "Cultural features", }, ), VRE_1: SpectralBand(eoreader_name=VRE_1, **vre_dict), VRE_2: SpectralBand(eoreader_name=VRE_2, **vre_dict), VRE_3: SpectralBand(eoreader_name=VRE_3, **vre_dict), NARROW_NIR: SpectralBand(eoreader_name=NARROW_NIR, **nir_dict), NIR: SpectralBand(eoreader_name=NIR, **nir_dict), } self.bands.map_bands(mss_bands) def _map_bands_tm(self) -> None: """ Map bands TM """ tm_bands = { BLUE: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=BLUE, **{ NAME: "B1", ID: "1", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 450, WV_MAX: 520, DESCRIPTION: "Bathymetric mapping, distinguishing soil from vegetation and deciduous from coniferous vegetation", }, ), GREEN: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=GREEN, **{ NAME: "B2", ID: "2", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 520, WV_MAX: 600, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes peak vegetation, which is useful for assessing plant vigor", }, ), RED: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=RED, **{ NAME: "B3", ID: "3", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 630, WV_MAX: 690, DESCRIPTION: "Discriminates vegetation slopes", }, ), NARROW_NIR: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=NARROW_NIR, **{ NAME: "B4", ID: "4", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 760, WV_MAX: 900, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes biomass content and shorelines", }, ), NIR: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=NIR, **{ NAME: "B4", ID: "4", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 760, WV_MAX: 900, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes biomass content and shorelines", }, ), SWIR_1: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=SWIR_1, **{ NAME: "B5", ID: "5", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 1550, WV_MAX: 1750, DESCRIPTION: "Discriminates moisture content of soil and vegetation; penetrates thin clouds", }, ), SWIR_2: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=SWIR_2, **{ NAME: "B7", ID: "7", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 2080, WV_MAX: 2350, DESCRIPTION: "Hydrothermally altered rocks associated with mineral depositsn", }, ), TIR_1: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=TIR_1, **{ NAME: "B6", ID: "6", GSD: 120, WV_MIN: 10400, WV_MAX: 12500, DESCRIPTION: "Spatial resolution for Band 6 (thermal infrared) is 120 meters, but is resampled to 30-meter pixels. Thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture", ASSET_ROLE: BT, }, ), TIR_2: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=TIR_2, **{ NAME: "B6", ID: "6", GSD: 120, WV_MIN: 10400, WV_MAX: 12500, DESCRIPTION: "Spatial resolution for Band 6 (thermal infrared) is 120 meters, but is resampled to 30-meter pixels. Thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture", ASSET_ROLE: BT, }, ), } self.bands.map_bands(tm_bands) def _map_bands_etm(self) -> None: """ Map bands ETM """ etm_bands = { BLUE: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=BLUE, **{ NAME: "B1", ID: "1", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 450, WV_MAX: 520, DESCRIPTION: "Bathymetric mapping, distinguishing soil from vegetation and deciduous from coniferous vegetation", }, ), GREEN: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=GREEN, **{ NAME: "B2", ID: "2", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 520, WV_MAX: 600, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes peak vegetation, which is useful for assessing plant vigor", }, ), RED: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=RED, **{ NAME: "B3", ID: "3", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 630, WV_MAX: 690, DESCRIPTION: "Discriminates vegetation slopes", }, ), NARROW_NIR: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=NARROW_NIR, **{ NAME: "B4", ID: "4", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 770, WV_MAX: 900, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes biomass content and shorelines", }, ), NIR: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=NIR, **{ NAME: "B4", ID: "4", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 770, WV_MAX: 900, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes biomass content and shorelines", }, ), SWIR_1: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=SWIR_1, **{ NAME: "B5", ID: "5", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 1550, WV_MAX: 1750, DESCRIPTION: "Discriminates moisture content of soil and vegetation; penetrates thin clouds", }, ), SWIR_2: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=SWIR_2, **{ NAME: "B7", ID: "7", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 2090, WV_MAX: 2350, DESCRIPTION: "Hydrothermally altered rocks associated with mineral deposits", }, ), PAN: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=PAN, **{ NAME: "B8", ID: "8", GSD: 15, WV_MIN: 520, WV_MAX: 900, DESCRIPTION: "15 meter resolution, sharper image definition", }, ), TIR_1: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=TIR_1, **{ NAME: "B6_VCID_1", ID: "6_VCID_1", GSD: 60, WV_MIN: 10400, WV_MAX: 12500, DESCRIPTION: "Spatial resolution for Band 6 (thermal infrared) is 60 meters, but is resampled to 30-meter pixels. Thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture", ASSET_ROLE: BT, }, ), TIR_2: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=TIR_2, **{ NAME: "B6_VCID_2", ID: "6_VCID_2", GSD: 60, WV_MIN: 10400, WV_MAX: 12500, DESCRIPTION: "Spatial resolution for Band 6 (thermal infrared) is 60 meters, but is resampled to 30-meter pixels. Thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture", ASSET_ROLE: BT, }, ), } if self.product_type == LandsatProductType.L2: etm_bands.pop(PAN) etm_bands.pop(TIR_2) etm_bands[TIR_1] = etm_bands[TIR_1].update(name="B6", id="6") self.bands.map_bands(etm_bands) def _map_bands_oli(self) -> None: """ Map bands OLI-TIRS """ oli_bands = { CA: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=CA, **{ NAME: "Coastal aerosol", ID: "1", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 430, WV_MAX: 450, DESCRIPTION: "Coastal and aerosol studies", }, ), BLUE: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=BLUE, **{ NAME: "Blue", ID: "2", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 450, WV_MAX: 510, DESCRIPTION: "Bathymetric mapping, distinguishing soil from vegetation and deciduous from coniferous vegetation", }, ), GREEN: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=GREEN, **{ NAME: "Green", ID: "3", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 530, WV_MAX: 590, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes peak vegetation, which is useful for assessing plant vigor", }, ), RED: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=RED, **{ NAME: "Red", ID: "4", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 640, WV_MAX: 670, DESCRIPTION: "Discriminates vegetation slopes", }, ), NARROW_NIR: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=NARROW_NIR, **{ NAME: "Near Infrared (NIR)", ID: "5", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 850, WV_MAX: 880, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes biomass content and shorelines", }, ), NIR: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=NIR, **{ NAME: "Near Infrared (NIR)", ID: "5", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 850, WV_MAX: 880, DESCRIPTION: "Emphasizes biomass content and shorelines", }, ), SWIR_1: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=SWIR_1, **{ NAME: "SWIR 1", ID: "6", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 1570, WV_MAX: 1650, DESCRIPTION: "Discriminates moisture content of soil and vegetation; penetrates thin clouds", }, ), SWIR_2: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=SWIR_2, **{ NAME: "SWIR 2", ID: "7", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 2110, WV_MAX: 2290, DESCRIPTION: "Improved moisture content of soil and vegetation; penetrates thin clouds", }, ), PAN: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=PAN, **{ NAME: "Panchromatic", ID: "8", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 500, WV_MAX: 680, DESCRIPTION: "15 meter resolution, sharper image definition", }, ), SWIR_CIRRUS: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=SWIR_CIRRUS, **{ NAME: "Cirrus", ID: "9", GSD: 30, WV_MIN: 1360, WV_MAX: 1380, DESCRIPTION: "Improved detection of cirrus cloud contamination", }, ), TIR_1: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=TIR_1, **{ NAME: "Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 1", ID: "10", GSD: 100, WV_MIN: 10600, WV_MAX: 11190, DESCRIPTION: "100 meter resolution, thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture", ASSET_ROLE: BT, }, ), TIR_2: SpectralBand( eoreader_name=TIR_2, **{ NAME: "Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 2", ID: "11", GSD: 100, WV_MIN: 11500, WV_MAX: 12510, DESCRIPTION: "100 meter resolution, improved thermal mapping and estimated soil moisture", ASSET_ROLE: BT, }, ), } if self.product_type == LandsatProductType.L2: oli_bands.pop(SWIR_CIRRUS) oli_bands.pop(TIR_2) oli_bands.pop(PAN) self.bands.map_bands(oli_bands)
[docs] def get_datetime(self, as_datetime: bool = False) -> Union[str, datetime]: """ Get the product's acquisition datetime, with format :code:`YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS` <-> :code:`%Y%m%dT%H%M%S` .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"LC08_L1GT_023030_20200518_20200527_01_T2" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=True) datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 18, 16, 34, 7) >>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=False) '20200518T163407' Args: as_datetime (bool): Return the date as a datetime.datetime. If false, returns a string. Returns: Union[str, datetime.datetime]: Its acquisition datetime """ if self.datetime is None: mtd_data, _ = self._read_mtd() date = mtd_data.findtext(".//DATE_ACQUIRED") hours = mtd_data.findtext(".//SCENE_CENTER_TIME").replace('"', "")[:-3] if not date or not hours: raise InvalidProductError( "DATE_ACQUIRED or SCENE_CENTER_TIME not found in metadata!" ) date = ( f"{datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%Y%m%d')}" f"T{datetime.strptime(hours, '%H:%M:%S.%f').strftime('%H%M%S')}" ) if as_datetime: date = datetime.strptime(date, DATETIME_FMT) else: date = self.datetime if not as_datetime: date = date.strftime(DATETIME_FMT) return date
def _get_name_constellation_specific(self) -> str: """ Set product real name from metadata Returns: str: True name of the product (from metadata) """ # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open identifier (replace for txt files) name = root.findtext(".//LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID").replace('"', "") if not name: raise InvalidProductError("LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID not found in metadata!") return name
[docs] def get_band_paths( self, band_list: list, resolution: float = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ Return the paths of required bands. .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> from eoreader.bands import * >>> path = r"" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_band_paths([GREEN, RED]) { <SpectralBandNames.GREEN: 'GREEN'>: 'LC08_L1GT_023030_20200518_20200527_01_T2/LC08_L1GT_023030_20200518_20200527_01_T2_B3.TIF', <SpectralBandNames.RED: 'RED'>: 'LC08_L1GT_023030_20200518_20200527_01_T2/LC08_L1GT_023030_20200518_20200527_01_T2_B4.TIF' } Args: band_list (list): List of the wanted bands resolution (float): Useless here kwargs: Other arguments used to load bands Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the path of each queried band """ band_paths = {} for band in band_list: if not self.has_band(band): raise InvalidProductError( f"Non existing band ({}) " f"for Landsat-{} products" ) band_id = self.bands[band].id # Get clean band path clean_band = self._get_clean_band_path( band, resolution=resolution, **kwargs ) if clean_band.is_file(): band_paths[band] = clean_band else: try: band_paths[band] = self._get_path(f"_B{band_id}") except FileNotFoundError as ex: raise InvalidProductError( f"Non existing {band} ({band_id}) band for {self.path}" ) from ex return band_paths
def _read_mtd(self, force_pd=False) -> (etree._Element, dict): """ Read Landsat metadata as: - :code:`pandas.DataFrame` whatever its collection is (by default for collection 1) - XML root + its namespace if the product is retrieved from the 2nd collection (by default for collection 2) Args: force_pd (bool): If collection 2, return a pandas.DataFrame instead of an XML root + namespace Returns: Tuple[Union[pd.DataFrame, etree._Element], dict]: Metadata as a Pandas.DataFrame or as (etree._Element, dict): Metadata XML root and its namespaces """ # Try with XML (we don't know what collection it is) try: # Open XML metadata mtd_from_path = "_MTL.xml" mtd_archived = r"_MTL\.xml" mtd_data = self._read_mtd_xml(mtd_from_path, mtd_archived) except (InvalidProductError, FileNotFoundError): mtd_name = "_MTL.txt" if self.is_archived: # We need to extract the file in memory to be used with pandas tar_ds =, "r") info = [ for f in tar_ds.getmembers() if mtd_name in][0] mtd_path = tar_ds.extractfile(info) else: # FOR COLLECTION 1 AND 2 tar_ds = None try: mtd_path = next(self.path.glob(f"**/*{mtd_name}")) except ValueError: mtd_path = next(self.path.glob(f"*{mtd_name}")) if not mtd_path.is_file(): raise InvalidProductError( f"No metadata file found in {} !" ) # Parse mtd_data = pd.read_table( mtd_path, sep=r"\s=\s", names=["NAME", "value"], skipinitialspace=True, engine="python", ) # Workaround an unexpected behaviour in pandas ! if any(mtd_data.NAME == "="): mtd_data = pd.read_table( mtd_path, sep="=", names=["NAME", "=", "value"], usecols=[0, 2], skipinitialspace=True, ) # Remove useless rows mtd_data = mtd_data[~mtd_data["NAME"].isin(["GROUP", "END_GROUP", "END"])] # Set index mtd_data = mtd_data.set_index("NAME").T # Create XML attr_names = mtd_data.columns.to_list() global_attr = [ E(str(attr), str(mtd_data[attr].iat[0])) for attr in attr_names ] mtd = E.landsat_global_attributes(*global_attr) mtd_el = etree.fromstring( etree.tostring( mtd, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8" ) ) mtd_data = (mtd_el, {}) # Close if needed if tar_ds: tar_ds.close() return mtd_data def _read_band( self, path: Union[CloudPath, Path], band: BandNames = None, resolution: Union[tuple, list, float] = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Read band from disk. .. WARNING:: Invalid pixels are not managed here Args: path (Union[CloudPath, Path]): Band path band (BandNames): Band to read resolution (Union[tuple, list, float]): Resolution of the wanted band, in dataset resolution unit (X, Y) size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. kwargs: Other arguments used to load bands Returns: xr.DataArray: Band xarray """ if self.is_archived: filename = files.get_filename(str(path).split("!")[-1]) else: filename = files.get_filename(path) if self._pixel_quality_id in filename or self._radsat_id in filename: band_arr = path, resolution=resolution, size=size, resampling=Resampling.nearest, # NEAREST TO KEEP THE FLAGS masked=False, **kwargs, ).astype(np.uint16) band_arr = band_arr.astype(np.uint16) else: # Read band (call superclass generic method) band_arr = path, resolution=resolution, size=size, resampling=Resampling.bilinear, **kwargs, ).astype(np.float32) band_arr = band_arr.astype(np.float32) return band_arr def _to_reflectance( self, band_arr: xr.DataArray, path: Union[Path, CloudPath], band: BandNames, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Converts band to reflectance Args: band_arr (xr.DataArray): Band array to convert path (Union[CloudPath, Path]): Band path band (BandNames): Band to read **kwargs: Other keywords Returns: xr.DataArray: Band in reflectance """ # Get band name: the last number of the filename: # ie: 'LC08_L1TP_200030_20191218_20191226_01_T1_B1' if self.is_archived: filename = files.get_filename(str(path).split("!")[-1]) else: filename = files.get_filename(path) if not (self._pixel_quality_id in filename or self._radsat_id in filename): # Convert raw bands from DN to correct reflectance if not filename.startswith(self.condensed_name): # Open mtd mtd, _ = self._read_mtd() # Get band nb and corresponding coeff band_name = self.bands[band].id try: # Thermal (10/11) if band in [TIR_1, TIR_2]: # For Landsat L2 products, the band name in metadata don't change compared to L1 (only one band left) if ( self.constellation == Constellation.L7 and self.product_type == LandsatProductType.L2 ): band_name = "6_VCID_1" band_arr = self._to_tb(band_arr, mtd, band_name) else: # Original band name band_arr = self._to_refl(band_arr, mtd, band_name) except TypeError: raise InvalidProductError( f"Cannot find additive or multiplicative " f"rescaling factor for bands ({}, " f"number {band_name}) in metadata" ) return band_arr def _to_tb( self, band_arr: xr.DataArray, mtd: etree._Element, band_name: str, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Converts band to brightness temperature Args: band_arr (xr.DataArray): Band array mtd (etree._Element): Metadata band_name (str): Band name Returns: xr.DataArray: Band in brightness temperature """ # Get coeffs to convert DN to radiance c_mul_str = "RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_" + band_name c_add_str = "RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_" + band_name c_mul = mtd.findtext(f".//{c_mul_str}") c_add = mtd.findtext(f".//{c_add_str}") # Manage NULL values try: c_mul = float(c_mul) except ValueError: c_mul = 1.0 try: c_add = float(c_add) except ValueError: c_add = 0.0 band_arr = c_mul * band_arr + c_add # Get coeffs to convert radiance to TB k1_str = "K1_CONSTANT_BAND_" + band_name k2_str = "K2_CONSTANT_BAND_" + band_name k1 = float(mtd.findtext(f".//{k1_str}")) k2 = float(mtd.findtext(f".//{k2_str}")) band_arr = k2 / np.log(k1 / band_arr + 1) return band_arr def _to_refl( self, band_arr: xr.DataArray, mtd: etree._Element, band_name: str, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Converts band to reflectance Args: band_arr (xr.DataArray): Band array mtd (etree._Element): Metadata band_name (str): Band name Returns: xr.DataArray: Band in reflectance """ c_mul_str = "REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_" + band_name c_add_str = "REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_" + band_name # Get coeffs to convert DN to reflectance c_mul = mtd.findtext(f".//{c_mul_str}") c_add = mtd.findtext(f".//{c_add_str}") # Manage NULL values try: c_mul = float(c_mul) except ValueError: c_mul = 1.0 try: c_add = float(c_add) except ValueError: c_add = 0.0 # Compute the correct reflectance of the band and set no data to 0 band_arr = c_mul * band_arr + c_add # Already in float return band_arr def _manage_invalid_pixels( self, band_arr: xr.DataArray, band: BandNames, **kwargs ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Manage invalid pixels (Nodata, saturated, defective...) Args: band_arr (xr.DataArray): Band array band (BandNames): Band name as a SpectralBandNames kwargs: Other arguments used to load bands Returns: xr.DataArray: Cleaned band array """ # Open QA band landsat_qa_path = self._get_path(self._radsat_id) qa_arr = self._read_band( landsat_qa_path, size=(,, ).data if self._collection == LandsatCollection.COL_1: # # Bit ids nodata_id = 0 # Fill value dropped_id = 1 # Dropped pixel or terrain occlusion # Set nodata to every saturated pixel, even if only 1-2 bands are touched by it # -> 01 or 10 or 11 # -> bit 2 or bit 3 sat_id_1 = 2 sat_id_2 = 3 nodata, dropped, sat_1, sat_2 = rasters.read_bit_array( qa_arr, [nodata_id, dropped_id, sat_id_1, sat_id_2] ) mask = nodata | dropped | sat_1 | sat_2 else: # # SATURATED & OTHER PIXELS try: band_id = int(self.bands[band].id) except ValueError: if ( band in [TIR_1, TIR_2] and self.constellation_id == ): band_id = 6 else: raise InvalidProductError( f"Cannot convert {self.bands[band].id} to integer." ) # Bit ids sat_id = band_id - 1 # Saturated pixel if self.instrument not in [ LandsatInstrument.OLI, LandsatInstrument.TIRS, LandsatInstrument.OLI_TIRS, ]: other_id = 11 # Terrain occlusion else: other_id = 9 # Dropped pixels sat, other = rasters.read_bit_array(qa_arr, [sat_id, other_id]) # If collection 2, nodata has to be found in pixel QA file landsat_stat_path = self._get_path(self._pixel_quality_id) pixel_arr = self._read_band( landsat_stat_path, size=(, ).data nodata = np.where(pixel_arr == 1, 1, 0) mask = sat | other | nodata return self._set_nodata_mask(band_arr, mask) def _manage_nodata( self, band_arr: xr.DataArray, band: BandNames, **kwargs ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Manage only nodata pixels Args: band_arr (xr.DataArray): Band array band (BandNames): Band name as an SpectralBandNames kwargs: Other arguments used to load bands Returns: xr.DataArray: Cleaned band array """ # Open QA band landsat_qa_path = self._get_path(self._radsat_id) qa_arr = self._read_band( landsat_qa_path, size=(,, ).data if self._collection == LandsatCollection.COL_1: # # Bit ids nodata_id = 0 # Fill value nodata = rasters.read_bit_array(qa_arr, nodata_id) else: # # If collection 2, nodata has to be found in pixel QA file landsat_stat_path = self._get_path(self._pixel_quality_id) pixel_arr = self._read_band( landsat_stat_path, size=(, ).data nodata = np.where(pixel_arr == 1, 1, 0).astype(np.uint8) return self._set_nodata_mask(band_arr, nodata) def _load_bands( self, bands: Union[list, BandNames], resolution: float = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """ Load bands as numpy arrays with the same resolution (and same metadata). Args: bands (list, BandNames): List of the wanted bands resolution (float): Band resolution in meters size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. kwargs: Other arguments used to load bands Returns: dict: Dictionary {band_name, band_xarray} """ # Return empty if no band are specified if not bands: return {} # Get band paths if not isinstance(bands, list): bands = [bands] if resolution is None and size is not None: resolution = self._resolution_from_size(size) band_paths = self.get_band_paths(bands, resolution=resolution, **kwargs) # Open bands and get array (resampled if needed) band_arrays = self._open_bands( band_paths, resolution=resolution, size=size, **kwargs ) return band_arrays
[docs] @cache def get_mean_sun_angles(self) -> (float, float): """ Get Mean Sun angles (Azimuth and Zenith angles) .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_mean_sun_angles() (140.80752656, 61.93065805) Returns: (float, float): Mean Azimuth and Zenith angle """ # Retrieve angles mtd_data, _ = self._read_mtd() try: azimuth_angle = float(mtd_data.findtext(".//SUN_AZIMUTH")) zenith_angle = 90.0 - float(mtd_data.findtext(".//SUN_ELEVATION")) except TypeError: raise InvalidProductError( "SUN_AZIMUTH or SUN_ELEVATION not found in metadata!" ) return azimuth_angle, zenith_angle
def _get_condensed_name(self) -> str: """ Get products condensed name ({date}_Lx{instrument}_{tile}_{product_type}). Returns: str: Condensed Landsat name """ return f"{self.get_datetime()}_{}_{self.tile_name}_{}" def _has_cloud_band(self, band: BandNames) -> bool: """ Does this product has the specified cloud band ? - (COL 1)[] - (COL 2)[] """ if self.instrument in [ LandsatInstrument.OLI, LandsatInstrument.TIRS, LandsatInstrument.OLI_TIRS, ]: has_band = True elif self.instrument in [LandsatInstrument.ETM, LandsatInstrument.TM]: has_band = self._e_tm_has_cloud_band(band) elif self.instrument == LandsatInstrument.MSS: has_band = self._mss_has_cloud_band(band) else: raise InvalidProductError(f"Invalid product type: {self.instrument}") return has_band @staticmethod def _mss_has_cloud_band(band: BandNames) -> bool: """ Does this product has the specified cloud band ? """ if band in [RAW_CLOUDS, CLOUDS, ALL_CLOUDS]: has_band = True else: has_band = False return has_band @staticmethod def _e_tm_has_cloud_band(band: BandNames) -> bool: """ Does this product has the specified cloud band ? """ if band in [RAW_CLOUDS, CLOUDS, ALL_CLOUDS, SHADOWS]: has_band = True else: has_band = False return has_band def _open_clouds( self, bands: list, resolution: float = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """ Load cloud files as xarrays. Read Landsat clouds from QA mask. See here for clouds_values: - (COL 1)[] - (COL 2)[] Args: bands (list): List of the wanted bands resolution (int): Band resolution in meters size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. kwargs: Additional arguments Returns: dict: Dictionary {band_name, band_xarray} """ band_dict = {} if bands: # Open QA band landsat_qa_path = self._get_path(self._pixel_quality_id) qa_arr = self._read_band(landsat_qa_path, resolution=resolution, size=size) if self.instrument in [ LandsatInstrument.OLI, LandsatInstrument.TIRS, LandsatInstrument.OLI_TIRS, ]: band_dict = self._open_oli_clouds(qa_arr, bands) elif self.instrument in [ LandsatInstrument.ETM, LandsatInstrument.TM, ]: band_dict = self._open_e_tm_clouds(qa_arr, bands) elif self.instrument == LandsatInstrument.MSS: band_dict = self._open_mss_clouds(qa_arr, bands) else: raise InvalidProductError(f"Invalid product type: {self.instrument}") return band_dict def _open_mss_clouds(self, qa_arr: xr.DataArray, band_list: list) -> dict: """ Load cloud files as xarrays. Read Landsat-MSS clouds from QA mask. See here for clouds_values: - (COL 1)[] - (COL 2)[] Args: qa_arr (xr.DataArray): Quality array band_list (list): List of the wanted bands Returns: dict, dict: Dictionary {band_name, band_array} """ band_dict = {} # Get clouds and nodata nodata_id = 0 cloud_id = ( 4 if self._collection == LandsatCollection.COL_1 else 3 ) # Clouds with high confidence clouds = None if ALL_CLOUDS in band_list or CLOUDS in band_list: nodata, cld = rasters.read_bit_array(qa_arr, [nodata_id, cloud_id]) clouds = self._create_mask(qa_arr, cld, nodata) for band in band_list: if band == ALL_CLOUDS: cloud = clouds elif band == CLOUDS: cloud = clouds elif band == RAW_CLOUDS: cloud = qa_arr else: raise InvalidTypeError( f"Non existing cloud band for Landsat-MSS constellation: {band}" ) # Rename band_name = to_str(band)[0] # Multi bands -> do not change long name if band != RAW_CLOUDS: cloud.attrs["long_name"] = band_name band_dict[band] = cloud.rename(band_name).astype(np.float32) return band_dict def _open_e_tm_clouds( self, qa_arr: xr.DataArray, band_list: Union[list, BandNames] ) -> dict: """ Load cloud files as xarrays. Read Landsat-(E)TM clouds from QA mask. See here for clouds_values: - (COL 1)[] - (COL 2 TM)[] - (COL 2 ETM)[] Args: qa_arr (xr.DataArray): Quality array band_list (list): List of the wanted bands Returns: dict, dict: Dictionary {band_name, band_array} """ band_dict = {} # Get clouds and nodata nodata = None cld = None shd = None if any(band in [ALL_CLOUDS, CLOUDS, SHADOWS] for band in band_list): if self._collection == LandsatCollection.COL_1: # Bit id nodata_id = 0 cloud_id = 4 # Clouds with high confidence shd_conf_1_id = 7 shd_conf_2_id = 8 nodata, cld, shd_conf_1, shd_conf_2 = rasters.read_bit_array( qa_arr, [nodata_id, cloud_id, shd_conf_1_id, shd_conf_2_id] ) shd = shd_conf_1 & shd_conf_2 else: # Bit ids nodata_id = 0 cloud_id = 3 # Clouds with high confidence shd_id = 4 # Shadows with high confidence nodata, cld, shd = rasters.read_bit_array( qa_arr, [nodata_id, cloud_id, shd_id] ) for band in band_list: if band == ALL_CLOUDS: cloud = self._create_mask(qa_arr, cld | shd, nodata) elif band == SHADOWS: cloud = self._create_mask(qa_arr, shd, nodata) elif band == CLOUDS: cloud = self._create_mask(qa_arr, cld, nodata) elif band == RAW_CLOUDS: cloud = qa_arr else: raise InvalidTypeError( f"Non existing cloud band for Landsat-(E)TM constellations: {band}" ) # Rename band_name = to_str(band)[0] # Multi bands -> do not change long name if band != RAW_CLOUDS: cloud.attrs["long_name"] = band_name band_dict[band] = cloud.rename(band_name).astype(np.float32) return band_dict def _open_oli_clouds( self, qa_arr: xr.DataArray, band_list: Union[list, BandNames] ) -> dict: """ Load cloud files as xarrays. Read Landsat-OLI clouds from QA mask. See here for clouds_values: - (COL 1)[] - (COL 2)[] Args: qa_arr (xr.DataArray): Quality array band_list (list): List of the wanted bands Returns: dict, dict: Dictionary {band_name, band_array} """ band_dict = {} # Get clouds and nodata nodata = None cld = None shd = None cir = None if any(band in [ALL_CLOUDS, CLOUDS, SHADOWS] for band in band_list): if self._collection == LandsatCollection.COL_1: # Bit ids nodata_id = 0 cloud_id = 4 # Clouds with high confidence shd_conf_1_id = 7 shd_conf_2_id = 8 cir_conf_1_id = 11 cir_conf_2_id = 12 # Read binary mask ( nodata, cld, shd_conf_1, shd_conf_2, cir_conf_1, cir_conf_2, ) = rasters.read_bit_array( qa_arr, [ nodata_id, cloud_id, shd_conf_1_id, shd_conf_2_id, cir_conf_1_id, cir_conf_2_id, ], ) shd = shd_conf_1 & shd_conf_2 cir = cir_conf_1 & cir_conf_2 else: # Bit ids nodata_id = 0 cloud_id = 3 # Clouds with high confidence shd_id = 4 # Shadows with high confidence cir_id = 2 # Cirrus with high confidence nodata, cld, shd, cir = rasters.read_bit_array( qa_arr, [nodata_id, cloud_id, shd_id, cir_id] ) for band in band_list: if band == ALL_CLOUDS: cloud = self._create_mask(qa_arr, cld | shd | cir, nodata) elif band == SHADOWS: cloud = self._create_mask(qa_arr, shd, nodata) elif band == CLOUDS: cloud = self._create_mask(qa_arr, cld, nodata) elif band == CIRRUS: cloud = self._create_mask(qa_arr, cir, nodata) elif band == RAW_CLOUDS: cloud = qa_arr else: raise InvalidTypeError( f"Non existing cloud band for {self.instrument.value} constellations: {band}" ) # Rename band_name = to_str(band)[0] # Multi bands -> do not change long name if band != RAW_CLOUDS: cloud.attrs["long_name"] = band_name band_dict[band] = cloud.rename(band_name).astype(np.float32) return band_dict
[docs] @cache def get_cloud_cover(self) -> float: """ Get cloud cover as given in the metadata .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_cloud_cover() 55.5 Returns: float: Cloud cover as given in the metadata """ # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Get the cloud cover try: cc = float(root.findtext(".//CLOUD_COVER")) except TypeError: raise InvalidProductError("CLOUD_COVER not found in metadata!") return cc
[docs] def get_quicklook_path(self) -> str: """ Get quicklook path if existing. Returns: str: Quicklook path """ quicklook_path = None try: if self.is_archived: quicklook_path = files.get_archived_rio_path( self.path, file_regex=r".*thumb_large\.jpeg" ) else: quicklook_path = str(next(self.path.glob("*thumb_large.jpeg"))) except (StopIteration, FileNotFoundError): # Thumbnail only exists for collection 2, not for one: do not throw a warning in this case if self._collection == LandsatCollection.COL_2: LOGGER.warning(f"No quicklook found in {self.condensed_name}") else: LOGGER.debug( f"No quicklook available for {self.constellation.value} Collection-1 data!" ) return quicklook_path