Source code for eoreader.bands.sar_bands

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# Copyright 2022, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of eoreader project
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""" SAR Bands """
from eoreader.bands.bands import Band, BandMap, BandNames
from eoreader.exceptions import InvalidTypeError

[docs]class SarBand(Band): """ SAR Band object. Based on STAC band object. See `here <>`_ for more information, without useless information. """
[docs] def __init__(self, eoreader_name, **kwargs): # Initialization from the super class super().__init__(eoreader_name, **kwargs) # Set names try: self.eoreader_name = SarBandNames.convert_from(eoreader_name)[0] except TypeError: raise InvalidTypeError
def _to_repr_constellation_specific(self) -> list: """ Representation specific to the constellation Returns: list: Representation list (constellation specific) """ return []
# too many ancestors # pylint: disable=R0901
[docs]class SarBandMap(BandMap): """SAR band map class"""
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__({band_name: None for band_name in SarBandNames})
[docs] def map_bands(self, band_map: dict) -> None: """ Mapping band names to specific satellite band numbers, as strings. .. code-block:: python >>> sb = SarBandMap() >>> sb.map_bands({ VV: 1, }) Args: band_map (dict): Band mapping as {SarBandNames: Band number for loading band} """ for band_name, band in band_map.items(): if not isinstance(band, SarBand): band = SarBand(eoreader_name=band_name, name=band, id=band) if band_name not in self._band_map or not isinstance( band_name, SarBandNames ): raise InvalidTypeError(f"{band_name} should be a SarBandNames object") # Set number self._band_map[band_name] = band
[docs]class SarBandNames(BandNames): """SAR Band names""" VV = "VV" """ Vertical Transmit-Vertical Receive Polarisation """ VV_DSPK = "VV_DSPK" """ Vertical Transmit-Vertical Receive Polarisation (Despeckled) """ HH = "HH" """ Horizontal Transmit-Horizontal Receive Polarisation """ HH_DSPK = "HH_DSPK" """ Horizontal Transmit-Horizontal Receive Polarisation (Despeckled) """ VH = "VH" """ Vertical Transmit-Horizontal Receive Polarisation """ VH_DSPK = "VH_DSPK" """ Vertical Transmit-Horizontal Receive Polarisation (Despeckled) """ HV = "HV" """ Horizontal Transmit-Vertical Receive Polarisation """ HV_DSPK = "HV_DSPK" """ Horizontal Transmit-Vertical Receive Polarisation (Despeckled) """ RH = "RH" """ Compact polarization: right circular transmit, horizontal receive """ RH_DSPK = "RH_DSPK" """ Compact polarization: right circular transmit, horizontal receive """ RV = "RV" """ Compact polarization: right circular transmit, vertical receive (Despeckled) """ RV_DSPK = "RV_DSPK" """ Compact polarization: right circular transmit, horizontal receive (Despeckled) """
[docs] @classmethod def corresponding_despeckle(cls, band: "SarBandNames"): """ Corresponding despeckled band. .. code-block:: python >>> SarBandNames.corresponding_despeckle(SarBandNames.VV) <SarBandNames.VV_DSPK: 'VV_DSPK'> >>> SarBandNames.corresponding_despeckle(SarBandNames.VV_DSPK) <SarBandNames.VV_DSPK: 'VV_DSPK'> Args: band (SarBandNames): Noisy (speckle) band Returns: SarBandNames: Despeckled band """ if cls.is_despeckle(band): dspk = band else: dspk = cls.from_value(f"{}_DSPK") return dspk
[docs] @classmethod def corresponding_speckle(cls, band: "SarBandNames"): """ Corresponding speckle (noisy) band. .. code-block:: python >>> SarBandNames.corresponding_speckle(SarBandNames.VV) <SarBandNames.VV: 'VV'> >>> SarBandNames.corresponding_speckle(SarBandNames.VV_DSPK) <SarBandNames.VV: 'VV'> Args: band (SarBandNames): Noisy (speckle) band Returns: SarBandNames: Despeckled band """ return cls.from_value(f"{[:2]}")
[docs] @classmethod def is_despeckle(cls, band: "SarBandNames"): """ Returns True if the band corresponds to a despeckled one. .. code-block:: python >>> SarBandNames.is_despeckle(SarBandNames.VV) False >>> SarBandNames.is_despeckle(SarBandNames.VV_DSPK) True Args: band (SarBandNames): Band to test Returns: SarBandNames: Despeckled band """ return "DSPK" in
[docs] @classmethod def speckle_list(cls): return [band for band in cls if not cls.is_despeckle(band)]
VV = SarBandNames.VV VV_DSPK = SarBandNames.VV_DSPK HH = SarBandNames.HH HH_DSPK = SarBandNames.HH_DSPK VH = SarBandNames.VH VH_DSPK = SarBandNames.VH_DSPK HV = SarBandNames.HV HV_DSPK = SarBandNames.HV_DSPK RH = SarBandNames.RH RH_DSPK = SarBandNames.RH_DSPK RV = SarBandNames.RV RV_DSPK = SarBandNames.RV_DSPK
[docs]def is_sar_band(band) -> bool: """ Returns True if is a SAR band (from :code:`SarBandNames`) .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.bands import * >>> is_sar_band(NDVI) False >>> is_sar_band(HH) True >>> is_sar_band(GREEN) False >>> is_sar_band(SLOPE) False >>> is_sar_band(CLOUDS) False Args: band (Any): Anything that could be a SAR band Returns: bool: True if the band asked is a SAR band """ try: is_valid = SarBandNames(band) except ValueError: is_valid = False return is_valid