Source code for eoreader.products.sar.saocom_product

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2022, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of eoreader project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X & PAZ products.
More info `here <>`_.
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from enum import unique
from typing import Union

import geopandas as gpd
from lxml import etree
from sertit import files, rasters, vectors
from sertit.misc import ListEnum
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

from eoreader import cache
from eoreader.bands import SarBandNames
from eoreader.exceptions import InvalidProductError, InvalidTypeError
from eoreader.products import SarProduct, SarProductType
from eoreader.products.product import OrbitDirection
from eoreader.products.sar.sar_product import _ExtendedFormatter
from eoreader.utils import DATETIME_FMT, EOREADER_NAME

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(EOREADER_NAME)

[docs]@unique class SaocomProductType(ListEnum): """ SAOCOM Processing levels. Take a look `here <>`_ """ SLC = "L1A" """L1A - SLC (single look complex, slant range)""" DI = "L1B" """L1B - DI (detected image, ground range)""" GEC = "L1C" """L1C - GEC (geocoded on ellipsoid)""" GTC = "L1D" """L1D - GTC (geocoded on DEM)"""
[docs]@unique class SaocomSensorMode(ListEnum): """ SAOCOM Acquisition Mode mode. Take a look `here <>`_ """ SM = "STRIPMAP" """Stripmap""" TN = "TOPSAR Narrow" """TOPSAR Narrow""" TW = "TOPSAR Wide" """TOPSAR Wide"""
[docs]@unique class SaocomPolarization(ListEnum): """ SAOCOM polarization mode. Take a look `here <>`_ acquiredPols: - HH - HV - VH - VV - HH-HV - VH-VV - HH-HV-VH-VV - LeftH-LeftV - RightH-RightV Polarization - HH - VV - HV - VH - CL/H - CL/V - CR/H - CR/V """ SP = "SP" """"Single Polarization (HH or VV)""" DP = "DP" """"Dual Polarization (HH/HV or VV/VH)""" QP = "QP" """"Quadruple Polarization (HH/HV/VH/VV)""" CP = "CP" """"Compact Polarization (LH/LV or RH/RV): Not yet available"""
[docs]class SaocomProduct(SarProduct): """Class for SAOCOM-1 Products""" def _get_resolution(self) -> float: """ Get product default resolution (in meters) See here <here](>`_ for more information (Beam Modes) .. WARNING:: For SSC data: - We assume being in High Resolution (SE) - Incidence angle: we consider the worst option, around 20 degrees """ # Find the polarization root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open identifier polarization = SaocomPolarization.from_value(root.findtext(".//polMode")) if not polarization: raise InvalidProductError("polMode not found in metadata!") def_res = None # For complex data, set regular ground range resolution provided by the constructor if self.sensor_mode == SaocomSensorMode.SM: def_res = 10.0 elif self.sensor_mode == SaocomSensorMode.TN: if polarization == SaocomPolarization.QP: def_res = 50.0 else: def_res = 30.0 elif self.sensor_mode == SaocomSensorMode.TW: if polarization == SaocomPolarization.QP: def_res = 100.0 else: def_res = 50.0 return def_res def _set_instrument(self) -> None: """ Set instrument SAOCOM: """ self.instrument = "SAR L-band" def _pre_init(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Function used to pre_init the products (setting needs_extraction and so on) """ # Private attributes self._raw_band_regex = "*Data*-{!l}*" self._band_folder = self.path.joinpath("Data") # SNAP cannot process its archive self.needs_extraction = True # Post init done by the super class super()._pre_init(**kwargs) def _post_init(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Function used to post_init the products (setting product-type, band names and so on) """ self.snap_filename = f"{}.xemt" # Post init done by the super class super()._post_init(**kwargs)
[docs] @cache def wgs84_extent(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get the WGS84 extent of the file before any reprojection. This is useful when the SAR pre-process has not been done yet. .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"TSX1_SAR__MGD_SE___SM_S_SRA_20160229T223018_20160229T223023" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.wgs84_extent() geometry 0 POLYGON ((106.65491 -6.39693, 106.96233 -6.396... Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: WGS84 extent as a gpd.GeoDataFrame """ root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Compute extent corners corners = [ [float(vertex.findtext("lon")), float(vertex.findtext("lat"))] for vertex in root.iterfind(".//frame/vertex") ] # TODO: ensure that the polygon is valid ? return gpd.GeoDataFrame( geometry=[Polygon(corners)], crs=vectors.WGS84, )
# # Open extent KML file # if self.product_type == SaocomProductType.SLC: # pass # # else: # try: # extent_file = next(self.path.glob("**/Images/*.kml")) # except IndexError as ex: # raise InvalidProductError( # f"Extent file (products.kml) not found in {self.path}" # ) from ex # # extent_wgs84 = # # return gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=extent_wgs84.geometry,
[docs] @cache def footprint(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get UTM footprint of the products (without nodata, *in french == emprise utile*) .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.footprint() index geometry 0 0 POLYGON ((199980.000 4500000.000, 199980.000 4... Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Footprint as a GeoDataFrame """ # WARNING: Sometimes the product seems to contain several tiles that are not contiguous # Do not simplify geometry then return rasters.get_valid_vector( self.get_default_band_path() ) # Processed by SNAP: the nodata is set
[docs] def get_raw_band_paths(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Return the existing band paths (as they come with the archived products). Args: **kwargs: Additional arguments Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the path of every band existing in the raw products """ extended_fmt = _ExtendedFormatter() cuss_file = next(self.path.glob("*.zip")) band_paths = {} for band in SarBandNames.speckle_list(): band_regex = extended_fmt.format(self._raw_band_regex, band.value) try: # Get as a list but keep only the first item (SLC with multiple swaths) raw_paths = files.get_archived_rio_path( cuss_file, band_regex.replace("*", ".*"), as_list=True ) # Remove .xml files and keep only the first item band_paths[band] = [ path for path in raw_paths if not path.endswith(".xml") ][0] except FileNotFoundError: continue return band_paths
def _set_product_type(self) -> None: """Set products type""" # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open identifier prod_type = root.findtext(".//procLevel") if not prod_type: raise InvalidProductError("procLevel not found in metadata!") self.product_type = SaocomProductType.from_value(prod_type) if self.product_type in [ SaocomProductType.DI, SaocomProductType.GEC, SaocomProductType.GTC, ]: self.sar_prod_type = SarProductType.GDRG elif self.product_type == SaocomProductType.SLC: self.sar_prod_type = SarProductType.CPLX else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.product_type.value} product type is not available for {}" ) if self.product_type == SaocomProductType.DI: LOGGER.warning( "DI (Detected Image) product type has never been tested for %s data. " "Use it at your own risks !", self.constellation.value, ) def _set_sensor_mode(self) -> None: """ Get products type from TerraSAR-X products name (could check the metadata too) """ # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open identifier imaging_mode = root.findtext(".//acqMode") if not imaging_mode: raise InvalidProductError("acqMode not found in metadata!") # Get sensor mode try: self.sensor_mode = getattr(SaocomSensorMode, imaging_mode) except ValueError as ex: raise InvalidTypeError(f"Invalid sensor mode for {}") from ex
[docs] def get_datetime(self, as_datetime: bool = False) -> Union[str, datetime]: """ Get the product's acquisition datetime, with format :code:`YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS` <-> :code:`%Y%m%dT%H%M%S` .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"TSX1_SAR__MGD_SE___SM_S_SRA_20160229T223018_20160229T223023" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=True) datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 29, 22, 30, 18) >>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=False) '20160229T223018' Args: as_datetime (bool): Return the date as a datetime.datetime. If false, returns a string. Returns: Union[str, datetime.datetime]: Its acquisition datetime """ if self.datetime is None: # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open identifier acq_date = root.findtext(".//acquisitionTime/startTime") if not acq_date: raise InvalidProductError( "acquisitionTime/startTime not found in metadata!" ) # Convert to datetime date = datetime.strptime(acq_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") else: date = self.datetime if not as_datetime: date = date.strftime(DATETIME_FMT) return date
def _get_name_constellation_specific(self) -> str: """ Set product real name from metadata Returns: str: True name of the product (from metadata) """ # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open identifier try: name = files.get_filename(root.findtext(".//dataFile/componentPath")) except TypeError: raise InvalidProductError("dataFile/componentPath not found in metadata!") return name @cache def _read_mtd(self) -> (etree._Element, dict): """ Read metadata and outputs the metadata XML root and its namespaces as a dict .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"TSX1_SAR__MGD_SE___SM_S_SRA_20200605T042203_20200605T042211" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.read_mtd() (<Element level1Product at 0x1b845b7ab88>, {}) Returns: (etree._Element, dict): Metadata XML root and its namespaces """ mtd_from_path = "xemt" return self._read_mtd_xml(mtd_from_path)
[docs] def get_quicklook_path(self) -> str: """ Get quicklook path if existing. Returns: str: Quicklook path """ quicklook_path = None try: try: quicklook_path = files.get_archived_rio_path( next(self.path.glob(f"{}.zip")), file_regex="Images/.*png" ) except FileNotFoundError: quicklook_path = str(next(self.path.glob("Images/*.png"))) except StopIteration: LOGGER.warning(f"No quicklook found in {self.condensed_name}") return quicklook_path
[docs] @cache def get_orbit_direction(self) -> OrbitDirection: """ Get cloud cover as given in the metadata .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_orbit_direction().value "DESCENDING" Returns: OrbitDirection: Orbit direction (ASCENDING/DESCENDING) """ # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Get the orbit direction try: od = OrbitDirection.from_value(root.findtext(".//OrbitDirection")) except TypeError: raise InvalidProductError("orbitDirection not found in metadata!") return od