Source code for eoreader.products.optical.sv1_product

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of eoreader project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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SuperView-1 products.
See `here <>`_
for more information.
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from enum import unique
from typing import Union

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pytz
import rasterio
import xarray as xr
from lxml import etree
from rasterio import crs as riocrs
from sertit import path, rasters_rio, vectors
from sertit.misc import ListEnum
from sertit.types import AnyPathType
from shapely.geometry import box

from eoreader import DATETIME_FMT, EOREADER_NAME, cache
from eoreader.bands import (
from eoreader.exceptions import InvalidProductError
from eoreader.products import VhrProduct
from eoreader.products.optical.optical_product import RawUnits
from eoreader.stac import GSD, ID, NAME, WV_MAX, WV_MIN
from eoreader.utils import simplify

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(EOREADER_NAME)

[docs] @unique class Sv1BandCombination(ListEnum): """ Band combination of SuperView-1 data See :code:`` file for more information. """ PMS = "Panchromatic and Multiple Spectral" """ The product is combined of panchromatic and multiple spectral bands. - Panchromatic (PAN): The product includes 1 band and is black and white, its ground sampling distance (GSD) is 50 cm; - Multiple Spectral (MUX): The product includes 4 bands that are Blue, Green, Red and Near-infrared. The ground sampling distance (GSD) is 2 meters. """ PSH = "Pansharpened" """ Pan-sharpened product combines the visual information of the multispectral data with the spatial information of the panchromatic data, resulting in a higher resolution color product. SuperView-1 pan-sharpen imagery products are offered as 4-band and stereo products. The GSD of a pan-sharpened product is 0.5 m. The Pan-sharpened product is delivered with geotiff format. """
[docs] @unique class Sv1ProductType(ListEnum): """ This is the processing level of SuperView-1 data See :code:`` file for more information. **Note**: Stereo product are not handled. """ L1B = "Basic Product" """ Basic Products are radiometrically corrected and sensor corrected, but not geometrically corrected or projected to a plane using a map projection or datum. The sensor correction blends all pixels from all detectors into the synthetic array to form a single image. The main radiometric processing includes: - Relative radiometric response between detectors; - Correction of differences in sensitivity between the detectors; The sensor corrections include: - Internal detector geometry; - Optical distortion correction; - Registration of the panchromatic and multispectral bands """ L2A = "Ortho Ready Standard Product" """ Ortho Ready Standard Products are radiometrically corrected, sensor corrected, and projected to a ellipsoid using current image mean elevation for each panchromatic and multispectral. All Ortho Ready Standard Products can have a uniform GSD throughout the entire product. The default projection is UTM projection. Ortho Ready Standard Products are available in panchromatic at 0.5 meters and multi-spectral bands at 2 meters. The radiometric corrections applied to the Ortho Ready Standard Product include relative radiometric response between detectors and non-responsive detectors. The sensor corrections include internal detector geometry, optical distortion, scan distortion, any line-rate variations, and registration of the panchromatic and multispectral bands. Geometric corrections remove spacecraft orbit position and attitude uncertainty, Earth rotation and curvature, and panoramic distortion. """
[docs] class Sv1Product(VhrProduct): """ Class of SuperView-1 products. See :code:`` file for more information. for more information. """ def _pre_init(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Function used to pre_init the products (setting needs_extraction and so on) """ self._pan_res = 0.5 self._ms_res = 2.0 self.needs_extraction = False self._proj_prod_type = [Sv1ProductType.L1B] self._raw_units = RawUnits.DN # Pre init done by the super class super()._pre_init(**kwargs) def _post_init(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Function used to post_init the products (setting sensor type, band names and so on) """ try: if self.is_archived: path.get_archived_path(self.path, r".*PSH\.xml") else: next(self.path.glob("*PSH.xml")) self.band_combi = Sv1BandCombination.PSH except (FileNotFoundError, StopIteration): self.band_combi = Sv1BandCombination.PMS # Post init done by the super class super()._post_init(**kwargs) def _set_pixel_size(self) -> None: """ Set product default pixel size (in meters) """ # Not Pansharpened images if self.band_combi == Sv1BandCombination.PMS: # TODO: manage default resolution for PAN band ? self.pixel_size = self._ms_res # Pansharpened images else: self.pixel_size = self._pan_res def _set_instrument(self) -> None: """ Set instrument SuperView-1: """ self.instrument = "PMS-3" def _set_product_type(self) -> None: """ Set products type See Vision-1_web_201906.pdf for more information. """ # Get MTD XML file prod_type = self.split_name[2][:3] self.product_type = getattr(Sv1ProductType, prod_type) # Manage not orthorectified product if self.product_type == Sv1ProductType.L1B: self.is_ortho = False def _map_bands(self) -> None: """ Map bands, see """ # Create spectral bands pan = SpectralBand( eoreader_name=PAN, **{NAME: "PAN", ID: 1, GSD: self._pan_res, WV_MIN: 450, WV_MAX: 900}, ) blue = SpectralBand( eoreader_name=BLUE, **{NAME: "BLUE", ID: 1, GSD: self._ms_res, WV_MIN: 450, WV_MAX: 520}, ) green = SpectralBand( eoreader_name=GREEN, **{NAME: "GREEN", ID: 2, GSD: self._ms_res, WV_MIN: 520, WV_MAX: 590}, ) red = SpectralBand( eoreader_name=RED, **{NAME: "RED", ID: 3, GSD: self._ms_res, WV_MIN: 630, WV_MAX: 690}, ) nir = SpectralBand( eoreader_name=NIR, **{NAME: "NIR", ID: 4, GSD: self._ms_res, WV_MIN: 770, WV_MAX: 890}, ) # Manage bands of the product if self.band_combi == Sv1BandCombination.PMS: self.bands.map_bands( { PAN: pan, BLUE: blue, GREEN: green, RED: red, NIR: nir, NARROW_NIR: nir, } ) elif self.band_combi == Sv1BandCombination.PSH: self.bands.map_bands( { BLUE: blue, GREEN: green, RED: red, NIR: nir, NARROW_NIR: nir, } ) LOGGER.warning( "Bundle mode has never been tested by EOReader, use it at your own risk!" ) else: raise InvalidProductError( f"Unusual band combination: {}" )
[docs] @cache def crs(self) -> riocrs.CRS: """ Get UTM projection of the tile .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"IMG_PHR1B_PMS_001" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> CRS.from_epsg(32618) Returns: CRS object """ raw_crs = self._get_raw_crs() if raw_crs.is_projected: utm = raw_crs else: # Open metadata root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Get the mean lon lat lon = float(root.findtext(".//CenterLongitude")) lat = float(root.findtext(".//CenterLatitude")) # Compute UTM crs from center long/lat utm = vectors.to_utm_crs(lon, lat) return utm
def _get_raw_crs(self) -> riocrs.CRS: """ Get raw CRS of the tile Returns: CRS object """ # Open metadata root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Get CRS crs_name = root.findtext(".//MapProjection") if not crs_name: crs_name = vectors.WGS84 return riocrs.CRS.from_string(crs_name)
[docs] @cache @simplify def footprint(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get real footprint in UTM of the products (without nodata, in french == emprise utile) Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Footprint as a GeoDataFrame """ if self.is_archived: footprint =, archive_regex=r".*\.shp") else: try: footprint ="*.shp"))) except StopIteration: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Non existing file *.shp in {self.path}") return footprint.to_crs(
[docs] @cache def extent(self, **kwargs) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get UTM extent of the tile. Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Extent in UTM """ return gpd.GeoDataFrame( geometry=[box(*self.footprint().total_bounds)],, )
[docs] def get_datetime(self, as_datetime: bool = False) -> Union[str, datetime]: """ Get the product's acquisition datetime, with format :code:`YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS` <-> :code:`%Y%m%dT%H%M%S` **Note**: According to :code:``:, all absolute times are in Beijing Time in the format of :code:`YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ddddddZ`:, unless otherwise specified! The datetime is then be converted to UTC. .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"IMG_PHR1B_PMS_001" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=True) datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 11, 2, 31, 58) >>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=False) '20200511T023158' Args: as_datetime (bool): Return the date as a datetime.datetime. If false, returns a string. Returns: Union[str, datetime.datetime]: Its acquisition datetime """ if self.datetime is None: # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() datetime_str = root.findtext(".//StartTime") if not datetime_str: raise InvalidProductError("Cannot find StartTime in the metadata file.") # WARNING: in Beijing time! date_dt = datetime.strptime(datetime_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("Asia/Shanghai") ) # Convert to UTC time date_utc = date_dt.astimezone(pytz.UTC) else: date_utc = self.datetime # Remove timezone date_utc = date_utc.replace(tzinfo=None) # Convert to str if not as_datetime: date_utc = date_utc.strftime(DATETIME_FMT) return date_utc
def _get_name_constellation_specific(self) -> str: """ Set product real name from metadata Returns: str: True name of the product (from metadata) """ try: if self.is_archived: footprint_path = path.get_archived_path(self.path, r".*\.shp") else: footprint_path = next(self.path.glob("*.shp")) except (FileNotFoundError, StopIteration): raise InvalidProductError( "Footprint shapefile cannot be found in the product!" ) # Open identifier name = path.get_filename(footprint_path) return name
[docs] @cache def get_mean_sun_angles(self) -> (float, float): """ Get Mean Sun angles (Azimuth and Zenith angles) .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"IMG_PHR1A_PMS_001" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_mean_sun_angles() (45.6624568841367, 30.219881316357643) Returns: (float, float): Mean Azimuth and Zenith angle """ # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open zenith and azimuth angle zenith_angle = float(root.findtext(".//SolarZenith")) azimuth_angle = float(root.findtext(".//SolarAzimuth")) return azimuth_angle, zenith_angle
[docs] @cache def get_mean_viewing_angles(self) -> (float, float, float): """ Get Mean Viewing angles (azimuth, off-nadir and incidence angles) .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_mean_viewing_angles() Returns: (float, float, float): Mean azimuth, off-nadir and incidence angles """ # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open zenith and azimuth angle try: az = float(root.findtext(".//SatelliteAzimuth")) off_nadir = float(root.findtext(".//ViewAngle")) incidence_angle = float(root.findtext(".//incidenceAngle")) except TypeError: raise InvalidProductError( "SatelliteAzimuth, ViewAngle or incidenceAngle not found in metadata!" ) return az, off_nadir, incidence_angle
def _to_reflectance( self, band_arr: xr.DataArray, band_path: AnyPathType, band: BandNames, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Converts band to reflectance Args: band_arr (xr.DataArray): Band array to convert band_path (AnyPathType): Band path band (BandNames): Band to read **kwargs: Other keywords Returns: xr.DataArray: Band in reflectance """ # Delivered in uint16 # Convert DN into radiance band_arr = self._dn_to_toa_rad(band_arr, band) # Convert radiance into reflectance band_arr = self._toa_rad_to_toa_refl(band_arr, band) # To float32 if band_arr.dtype != np.float32: band_arr = band_arr.astype(np.float32) return band_arr @cache def _read_mtd(self) -> (etree._Element, dict): """ Read metadata and outputs the metadata XML root and its namespaces as a dict Returns: (etree._Element, dict): Metadata XML root and its namespaces as a dict """ mtd_from_path = "MUX*.xml" mtd_archived = r"MUX.*\.xml" return self._read_mtd_xml(mtd_from_path, mtd_archived)
[docs] @cache def read_pan_mtd(self) -> (etree._Element, dict): """ Read metadata and outputs the PAN metadata XML root and its namespaces as a dict Returns: (etree._Element, dict): Metadata XML root and its namespaces as a dict """ mtd_from_path = "PAN*.xml" mtd_archived = r"PAN.*\.xml" return self._read_mtd_xml(mtd_from_path, mtd_archived)
def _has_cloud_band(self, band: BandNames) -> bool: """ Does this product has the specified cloud band ? """ return False def _open_clouds( self, bands: list, pixel_size: float = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """ Load cloud files as xarrays. Args: bands (list): List of the wanted bands pixel_size (int): Band pixel size in meters size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if pixel_size is provided. kwargs: Additional arguments Returns: dict: Dictionary {band_name, band_xarray} """ return {}
[docs] def get_raw_band_paths(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Return the raw band paths. Args: kwargs: Additional arguments Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the path of each queried band """ raw_band_paths = {} for band in self.get_existing_bands(): raw_band_paths[band] = self._get_tile_path(band=band, **kwargs) return raw_band_paths
[docs] def get_band_paths( self, band_list: list, pixel_size: float = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ Return the paths of required bands. .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> from eoreader.bands import * >>> path = r"IMG_PHR1B_PMS_001" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_band_paths([GREEN, RED]) { <SpectralBandNames.GREEN: 'GREEN'>: 'IMG_PHR1A_PMS_001/DIM_PHR1A_PMS_202005110231585_ORT_5547047101.XML', <SpectralBandNames.RED: 'RED'>: 'IMG_PHR1A_PMS_001/DIM_PHR1A_PMS_202005110231585_ORT_5547047101.XML' } Args: band_list (list): List of the wanted bands pixel_size (float): Band pixel size kwargs: Other arguments used to load bands Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the path of each queried band """ # Processed path names band_paths = {} for band in band_list: # Get clean band path clean_band = self._get_clean_band_path( band, pixel_size=pixel_size, **kwargs ) if clean_band.is_file(): band_paths[band] = clean_band else: # First look for reprojected bands reproj_path = self._get_utm_band_path(, pixel_size=pixel_size ) if not reproj_path.is_file(): # Then for original data band_path = self._get_ortho_path(band=band, **kwargs) else: band_path = reproj_path band_paths[band] = band_path return band_paths
def _get_tile_path(self, **kwargs) -> AnyPathType: """ Get the VHR tile path Returns: AnyPathType: VHR filepath """ band = kwargs.pop("band") if band == PAN: tile_path = self._get_path("PAN", "tiff") else: tile_path = self._get_path("MUX", "tiff") return tile_path def _get_ortho_path(self, **kwargs) -> AnyPathType: """ Get the orthorectified path of the bands. Returns: AnyPathType: Orthorectified path """ if self.product_type in self._proj_prod_type: ortho_name = f"{self.condensed_name}_ortho.tif" ortho_path, ortho_exists = self._get_out_path(ortho_name) if not ortho_exists: "Manually orthorectified stack not given by the user. " "Reprojecting whole stack, this may take a while. " "(May be inaccurate on steep terrain, depending on the DEM resolution)" ) # Reproject and write on disk data dem_path = self._get_dem_path(**kwargs) with**kwargs))) as src: out_arr, meta = self._reproject(, src.meta, src.rpcs, dem_path, **kwargs ) rasters_rio.write(out_arr, meta, ortho_path) else: ortho_path = self._get_tile_path(**kwargs) return ortho_path def _dn_to_toa_rad(self, dn_arr: xr.DataArray, band: BandNames) -> xr.DataArray: """ Compute DN to TOA radiance See `here <>`_ for more information. Args: dn_arr (xr.DataArray): DN array band (BandNames): Band Returns: xr.DataArray: TOA Radiance array """ if band == PAN: # Get PAN MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_pan_mtd() gain = float(root.findtext(".//Gain")) offset = float(root.findtext(".//Offset")) else: band_idx = self.bands[band].id - 1 # Get MUX MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() gain = float(root.findtext(".//Gain").split(",")[band_idx]) offset = float(root.findtext(".//Offset").split(",")[band_idx]) # Compute the coefficient converting DN in TOA radiance return dn_arr.copy(data=gain * + offset) def _toa_rad_to_toa_refl( self, rad_arr: xr.DataArray, band: BandNames ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Compute TOA reflectance from TOA radiance See `here <>`_ for more information. WARNING: in this formula, d**2 = 1 / sqrt(dt) ! Args: rad_arr (xr.DataArray): TOA Radiance array band (BandNames): Band Returns: xr.DataArray: TOA Reflectance array """ if band == PAN: # Get PAN MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_pan_mtd() e0 = float(root.findtext(".//ESUN")) else: band_idx = self.bands[band].id - 1 # Get MUX MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() e0 = float(root.findtext(".//ESUN").split(",")[band_idx]) # Compute the coefficient converting TOA radiance in TOA reflectance dt = self._sun_earth_distance_variation() ** 2 _, sun_zen = self.get_mean_sun_angles() rad_sun_zen = np.deg2rad(sun_zen) toa_refl_coeff = np.pi / (e0 * dt * np.cos(rad_sun_zen)) # LOGGER.debug(f"rad to refl coeff = {toa_refl_coeff}") return rad_arr.copy(data=toa_refl_coeff * rad_arr)
[docs] def get_quicklook_path(self) -> str: """ Get quicklook path if existing. Returns: str: Quicklook path """ quicklook_path = None try: if self.is_archived: quicklook_path = self.path / path.get_archived_path( self.path, file_regex=r".*MUX\.jpg" ) else: quicklook_path = str(next(self.path.glob("*MUX.jpg"))) except (StopIteration, FileNotFoundError): LOGGER.warning(f"No quicklook found in {self.condensed_name}") return quicklook_path
def _get_job_id(self) -> str: """ Get VHR job ID Returns: str: VHR product ID """ return self.split_name[2][3:]