Source code for eoreader.products.optical.s3_product

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of eoreader project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
""" Sentinel-3 products """
import logging
import os
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from enum import unique
from functools import reduce
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import geopandas as gpd
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import rasterio
import rioxarray
import xarray as xr
from cloudpathlib import CloudPath
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import E
from rasterio import features
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from import Window
from sertit import files, misc, rasters, rasters_rio, snap, strings, vectors
from sertit.misc import ListEnum
from sertit.rasters import XDS_TYPE

from eoreader import utils
from eoreader.bands.alias import ALL_CLOUDS, CIRRUS, CLOUDS, RAW_CLOUDS
from eoreader.bands.bands import BandNames
from eoreader.bands.bands import OpticalBandNames as obn
from eoreader.env_vars import S3_DEF_RES
from eoreader.exceptions import InvalidProductError, InvalidTypeError
from eoreader.products.optical.optical_product import OpticalProduct
from eoreader.utils import DATETIME_FMT, EOREADER_NAME

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(EOREADER_NAME)
BT_BANDS = [obn.MIR, obn.TIR_1, obn.TIR_2]

[docs]@unique class S3ProductType(ListEnum): """Sentinel-3 products types (not exhaustive, only L1)""" OLCI_EFR = "OL_1_EFR___" """OLCI EFR Product Type""" SLSTR_RBT = "SL_1_RBT___" """SLSTR RBT Product Type"""
[docs]@unique class S3Instrument(ListEnum): """Sentinel-3 products types""" OLCI = "OLCI" """OLCI Instrument""" SLSTR = "SLSTR" """SLSTR Instrument"""
[docs]@unique class S3DataTypes(ListEnum): """Sentinel-3 data types -> only considering useful ones""" EFR = "EFR___" """EFR Data Type, for OLCI instrument""" RBT = "RBT__" """RBT Data Type, for SLSTR instrument"""
[docs]class S3Product(OpticalProduct): """ Class of Sentinel-3 Products **Note**: All S3-OLCI bands won't be used in EOReader ! **Note**: We only use NADIR rasters for S3-SLSTR bands """ def __init__( self, product_path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path], archive_path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path] = None, output_path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path] = None, remove_tmp: bool = False, ) -> None: self._instrument_name = None self._data_type = None self._snap_no_data = -1 super().__init__( product_path, archive_path, output_path, remove_tmp ) # Order is important here def _post_init(self) -> None: """ Function used to post_init the products (setting sensor type, band names and so on) """ # Post init done by the super class super()._post_init() def _pre_init(self) -> None: """ Function used to pre_init the products (setting needs_extraction and so on) """ self.needs_extraction = True # Post init done by the super class super()._pre_init() def _set_resolution(self) -> float: """ Set product default resolution (in meters) """ if self._instrument_name == S3Instrument.OLCI: def_res = 300.0 else: def_res = 500.0 return def_res def _set_product_type(self) -> None: """Set products type""" # Product type if[7] != "1": raise InvalidTypeError("Only L1 products are used for Sentinel-3 data.") if "OL" in # Instrument self._instrument_name = S3Instrument.OLCI # Data type if S3DataTypes.EFR.value in self._data_type = S3DataTypes.EFR self.product_type = S3ProductType.OLCI_EFR else: raise InvalidTypeError( "Only EFR data type is used for Sentinel-3 OLCI data." ) # Bands self.band_names.map_bands( { obn.CA: "03", obn.BLUE: "04", obn.GREEN: "06", obn.RED: "08", obn.VRE_1: "11", obn.VRE_2: "12", obn.VRE_3: "16", obn.NIR: "17", obn.NARROW_NIR: "17", obn.WV: "20", obn.FAR_NIR: "21", } ) elif "SL" in # Instrument self._instrument_name = S3Instrument.SLSTR # Data type if S3DataTypes.RBT.value in self._data_type = S3DataTypes.RBT self.product_type = S3ProductType.SLSTR_RBT else: raise InvalidTypeError( "Only RBT data type is used for Sentinel-3 SLSTR data." ) # Bands self.band_names.map_bands( { obn.GREEN: "1", # radiance, 500m obn.RED: "2", # radiance, 500m obn.NIR: "3", # radiance, 500m obn.NARROW_NIR: "3", # radiance, 500m obn.SWIR_CIRRUS: "4", # radiance, 500m obn.SWIR_1: "5", # radiance, 500m obn.SWIR_2: "6", # radiance, 500m # obn.MIR: "7", # brilliance temperature, 1km obn.TIR_1: "8", # brilliance temperature, 1km obn.TIR_2: "9", # brilliance temperature, 1km } ) else: raise InvalidProductError(f"Invalid Sentinel-3 name: {}")
[docs] def footprint(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get UTM footprint in UTM of the products (without nodata, *in french == emprise utile*) .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = r"" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.footprint() index geometry 0 0 POLYGON ((199980.000 4500000.000, 199980.000 4... Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Footprint as a GeoDataFrame """ return rasters.get_footprint( self.get_default_band_path() ) # Processed by SNAP: the nodata is set
[docs] def get_datetime(self, as_datetime: bool = False) -> Union[str, datetime]: """ Get the product's acquisition datetime, with format `YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS` <-> `%Y%m%dT%H%M%S` .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = "S3B_SL_1_RBT____20191115T233722_20191115T234022_20191117T031722_0179_032_144_3420_LN2_O_NT_003.SEN3" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=True) datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 15, 23, 37, 22) >>> prod.get_datetime(as_datetime=False) '20191115T233722' Args: as_datetime (bool): Return the date as a datetime.datetime. If false, returns a string. Returns: Union[str, datetime.datetime]: Its acquisition datetime """ # Get MTD XML file root, _ = self.read_mtd() # Open identifier try: acq_date = root.findtext(".//start_time") except TypeError: raise InvalidProductError("start_time not found in metadata !") # Convert to datetime date = datetime.strptime(acq_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") if not as_datetime: date = date.strftime(DATETIME_FMT) return date
def _get_snap_band_name(self, band: obn) -> str: """ Get SNAP band name. Args: band (obn): Band as an OpticalBandNames Returns: str: Band name with SNAP format """ # Get band number band_nb = self.band_names[band] if band_nb is None: raise InvalidProductError( f"Non existing band ({}) for S3-{} products" ) # Get band name if self._data_type == S3DataTypes.EFR: snap_bn = f"Oa{band_nb}_reflectance" # Converted into reflectance previously in the graph elif self._data_type == S3DataTypes.RBT: if band in BT_BANDS: snap_bn = f"S{band_nb}_BT_in" else: snap_bn = f"S{band_nb}_reflectance_an" # Conv into reflectance previously in the graph else: raise InvalidTypeError( f"Unknown data type for Sentinel-3 data: {self._data_type}" ) return snap_bn def _get_band_from_filename(self, band_filename: str) -> obn: """ Get band from filename Args: band_filename (str): Band filename Returns: obn: Band name with SNAP format """ # Get band name if self._data_type == S3DataTypes.EFR: band_nb = band_filename[2:4] elif self._data_type == S3DataTypes.RBT: band_nb = band_filename[1] else: raise InvalidTypeError(f"Invalid Sentinel-3 datatype: {self._data_type}") # Get band band = list(self.band_names.keys())[ list(self.band_names.values()).index(band_nb) ] return band def _get_slstr_quality_flags_name(self, band: obn) -> str: """ Get SNAP band name. Args: band (obn): Band as an OpticalBandNames Returns: str: Quality flag name with SNAP format """ # Get band number band_nb = self.band_names[band] if band_nb is None: raise InvalidProductError( f"Non existing band ({}) for S3-{} products" ) # Get quality flag name if self._data_type == S3DataTypes.RBT: snap_bn = f"S{band_nb}_exception_{'i' if band in BT_BANDS else 'a'}n" else: raise InvalidTypeError( f"This function only works for Sentinel-3 SLSTR data: {self._data_type}" ) return snap_bn def _get_band_filename(self, band: Union[obn, str]) -> str: """ Get band filename from its band type Args: band ( Union[obn, str]): Band as an OpticalBandNames or directly the snap_name Returns: str: Band name """ if isinstance(band, obn): snap_name = self._get_snap_band_name(band) elif isinstance(band, str): snap_name = band else: raise InvalidTypeError( "The given band should be an OpticalBandNames or directly the snap_name" ) # Remove _an/_in for SLSTR products if self._data_type == S3DataTypes.RBT: if "cloud" not in snap_name: snap_name = snap_name[:-3] elif "an" in snap_name: snap_name = snap_name[:-3] + "_RAD" else: # in snap_name = snap_name[:-3] + "_BT" return snap_name
[docs] def get_band_paths(self, band_list: list, resolution: float = None) -> dict: """ Return the paths of required bands. .. WARNING:: If not existing, this function will orthorectify your bands ! .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> from eoreader.bands.alias import * >>> path = "S3B_SL_1_RBT____20191115T233722_20191115T234022_20191117T031722_0179_032_144_3420_LN2_O_NT_003.SEN3" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_band_paths([GREEN, RED]) Executing processing graph ...11%...21%...31%...42%...52%...62%...73%...83%... done. { <OpticalBandNames.GREEN: 'GREEN'>: '20191115T233722_S3_SLSTR_RBT\\S1_reflectance.tif', <OpticalBandNames.RED: 'RED'>: '20191115T233722_S3_SLSTR_RBT\\S2_reflectance.tif', } Args: band_list (list): List of the wanted bands resolution (float): Useless here Returns: dict: Dictionary containing the path of each queried band """ band_paths = {} for band in band_list: # Get clean band path clean_band = self._get_clean_band_path(band, resolution=resolution) if clean_band.is_file(): band_paths[band] = clean_band else: # Get standard band names band_name = self._get_band_filename(band) try: # Try to open converted images band_paths[band] = files.get_file_in_dir( self._get_band_folder(), f"{self.condensed_name}_{band_name}.tif", ) except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError): # If not existing (file or output), convert them all_band_paths = self._preprocess_s3(resolution) band_paths = {band: all_band_paths[band] for band in band_list} return band_paths
# pylint: disable=W0613 def _read_band( self, path: Union[CloudPath, Path], band: BandNames = None, resolution: Union[tuple, list, float] = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None, ) -> XDS_TYPE: """ Read band from disk. .. WARNING:: Invalid pixels are not managed here Args: path (Union[CloudPath, Path]): Band path band (BandNames): Band to read resolution (Union[tuple, list, float]): Resolution of the wanted band, in dataset resolution unit (X, Y) size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. Returns: XDS_TYPE: Band xarray """ # Read band return path, resolution=resolution, size=size, resampling=Resampling.bilinear ).astype(np.float32) # pylint: disable=R0913 # R0913: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments) def _manage_invalid_pixels( self, band_arr: XDS_TYPE, band: obn, resolution: float = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None, ) -> XDS_TYPE: """ Manage invalid pixels (Nodata, saturated, defective...) Args: band_arr (XDS_TYPE): Band array band (obn): Band name as an OpticalBandNames resolution (float): Band resolution in meters size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. Returns: XDS_TYPE: Cleaned band array """ if self._instrument_name == S3Instrument.OLCI: band_arr_mask = self._manage_invalid_pixels_olci( band_arr, band, resolution=resolution, size=size ) else: band_arr_mask = self._manage_invalid_pixels_slstr( band_arr, band, resolution=resolution, size=size ) return band_arr_mask # pylint: disable=R0913 # R0913: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments) def _manage_invalid_pixels_olci( self, band_arr: XDS_TYPE, band: obn, resolution: float = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None, ) -> XDS_TYPE: """ Manage invalid pixels (Nodata, saturated, defective...) for OLCI data. See there: QUALITY FLAGS (From end to start of the 32 bits): | Bit | Flag | |----|----------------------| | 0 | saturated21 | | 1 | saturated20 | | 2 | saturated19 | | 3 | saturated18 | | 4 | saturated17 | | 5 | saturated16 | | 6 | saturated15 | | 7 | saturated14 | | 8 | saturated13 | | 9 | saturated12 | | 10 | saturated11 | | 11 | saturated10 | | 11 | saturated09 | | 12 | saturated08 | | 13 | saturated07 | | 14 | saturated06 | | 15 | saturated05 | | 16 | saturated04 | | 17 | saturated03 | | 18 | saturated02 | | 19 | saturated01 | | 20 | dubious | | 21 | sun-glint_risk | | 22 | duplicated | | 23 | cosmetic | | 24 | invalid | | 25 | straylight_risk | | 26 | bright | | 27 | tidal_region | | 28 | fresh_inland_water | | 29 | coastline | | 30 | land | Args: band_arr (XDS_TYPE): Band array band (obn): Band name as an OpticalBandNames resolution (float): Band resolution in meters size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. Returns: XDS_TYPE: Cleaned band array """ nodata_true = 1 nodata_false = 0 # Bit ids band_bit_id = { obn.CA: 18, # Band 2 obn.BLUE: 17, # Band 3 obn.GREEN: 14, # Band 6 obn.RED: 12, # Band 8 obn.VRE_1: 10, # Band 11 obn.VRE_2: 9, # Band 12 obn.VRE_3: 5, # Band 16 obn.NIR: 4, # Band 17 obn.NARROW_NIR: 4, # Band 17 obn.WV: 1, # Band 20 obn.FAR_NIR: 0, # Band 21 } invalid_id = 24 sat_band_id = band_bit_id[band] # Open quality flags qual_flags_path = self._get_band_folder().joinpath( f"{self.condensed_name}_quality_flags.tif" ) if not qual_flags_path.is_file(): LOGGER.warning( "Impossible to open quality flags %s. Taking the band as is.", qual_flags_path, ) return band_arr # Open flag file qual_arr, _ = qual_flags_path, resolution=resolution, size=size, resampling=Resampling.nearest, # Nearest to keep the flags masked=False, ) invalid, sat = rasters.read_bit_array( qual_arr.astype(np.uint32), [invalid_id, sat_band_id] ) # Get nodata mask no_data = np.where(np.isnan(band_arr), nodata_true, nodata_false) # Combine masks mask = no_data | invalid | sat # DO not set 0 to epsilons as they are a part of the return self._set_nodata_mask(band_arr, mask) # pylint: disable=R0913 # R0913: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments) def _manage_invalid_pixels_slstr( self, band_arr: XDS_TYPE, band: obn, resolution: float = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None, ) -> XDS_TYPE: """ Manage invalid pixels (Nodata, saturated, defective...) ISP_absent pixel_absent not_decompressed no_signal saturation invalid_radiance no_parameters unfilled_pixel" Args: band_arr (XDS_TYPE): Band array band (obn): Band name as an OpticalBandNames resolution (float): Band resolution in meters size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. Returns: XDS_TYPE: Cleaned band array """ nodata_true = 1 nodata_false = 0 # Open quality flags (discard _an/_in) qual_flags_path = self._get_band_folder().joinpath( f"{self.condensed_name}_{self._get_slstr_quality_flags_name(band)[:-3]}.tif" ) if not qual_flags_path.is_file(): LOGGER.warning( "Impossible to open quality flags %s. Taking the band as is.", qual_flags_path, ) return band_arr # Open flag file qual_arr, _ = qual_flags_path, resolution=resolution, size=size, resampling=Resampling.nearest, # Nearest to keep the flags masked=False, ) # Set no data for everything (except ISP) that caused an exception exception = np.where(qual_arr > 2, nodata_true, nodata_false) # Get nodata mask no_data = np.where(np.isnan(, nodata_true, nodata_false) # Combine masks mask = no_data | exception # DO not set 0 to epsilons as they are a part of the return self._set_nodata_mask(band_arr, mask) def _load_bands( self, bands: list, resolution: float = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None ) -> dict: """ Load bands as numpy arrays with the same resolution (and same metadata). Args: bands (list): List of the wanted bands resolution (float): Band resolution in meters size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. Returns: dict: Dictionary {band_name, band_xarray} """ # Return empty if no band are specified if not bands: return {} # Get band paths if not isinstance(bands, list): bands = [bands] if resolution is None and size is not None: resolution = self._resolution_from_size(size) band_paths = self.get_band_paths(bands, resolution=resolution) # Open bands and get array (resampled if needed) band_arrays = self._open_bands(band_paths, resolution=resolution, size=size) return band_arrays def _preprocess_s3(self, resolution: float = None): """ pre-process S3 bands (orthorectify...) Args: resolution (float): Resolution Returns: dict: Dictionary containing {band: path} """ band_paths = {} # DIM in tmp files with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: # out_dim = os.path.join(self.output, self.condensed_name + ".dim") # DEBUG OPTION out_dim = os.path.join(tmp_dir, self.condensed_name + ".dim") # Run GPT graph processed_bands = self._run_s3_gpt_cli(out_dim, resolution) # Save all processed bands and quality flags into GeoTIFFs for snap_band_name in processed_bands: # Get standard band names band_name = self._get_band_filename(snap_band_name) # Remove tif if already existing # (if we are here, sth has failed when creating them, so delete them all) out_tif = self._tmp_process.joinpath( f"{self.condensed_name}_{band_name}.tif" ) if out_tif.is_file(): files.remove(out_tif) # Convert to geotiffs and set no data with only keeping the first band with rioxarray.open_rasterio( str(rasters.get_dim_img_path(out_dim, snap_band_name)) ) as arr: if arr.dtype == np.uint8: nodata_val = 255 # Exceptions elif arr.dtype == np.uint16: nodata_val = 65535 # Clouds elif arr.dtype == np.int32: nodata_val = 2147483647 # Quality flags else: nodata_val = self._snap_no_data arr = arr.where(arr != nodata_val) rasters.write(arr, out_tif) # Get the wanted bands (not the quality flags here !) for band in processed_bands: band_name = self._get_band_filename(band) if "exception" not in band_name: out_tif = self._tmp_process.joinpath( f"{self.condensed_name}_{band_name}.tif" ) if not out_tif.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Error when processing S3 bands with SNAP. Couldn't find {out_tif}" ) # Quality flags will crash here try: band_paths[self._get_band_from_filename(band_name)] = out_tif except ValueError: pass return band_paths def _run_s3_gpt_cli(self, out_dim: str, resolution: float = None) -> list: """ Construct GPT command line to reproject S3 images and quality flags Args: out_dim (str): Out DIMAP name resolution (float): Resolution Returns: list: Processed band name """ # Default resolution def_res = os.environ.get(S3_DEF_RES, self.resolution) # Construct GPT graph graph_path = utils.get_data_dir().joinpath("preprocess_s3.xml") snap_bands = ",".join( [ self._get_snap_band_name(band) for band, band_nb in self.band_names.items() if band_nb ] ) if self._instrument_name == S3Instrument.OLCI: sensor = "OLCI" fmt = "Sen3" snap_bands += ",quality_flags" else: sensor = "SLSTR_500m" fmt = "Sen3_SLSTRL1B_500m" exception_bands = ",".join( [ self._get_slstr_quality_flags_name(band) for band, band_nb in self.band_names.items() if band_nb ] ) snap_bands += f",{exception_bands},cloud_an,cloud_in" # Download cloud path to cache if isinstance(self.path, CloudPath): if self.path.is_dir(): LOGGER.debug(f"Caching {self.path}") prod_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(out_dim), self.path.download_to(prod_path) else: raise InvalidProductError( "Sentinel-3 data must be extracted, as NetCDF data cannot be read through zip." ) else: prod_path = self.path # Run GPT graph cmd_list = snap.get_gpt_cli( graph_path, [ f"-Pin={strings.to_cmd_string(prod_path)}", f"-Pbands={snap_bands}", f"-Psensor={sensor}", f"-Pformat={fmt}", f"-Pno_data={self._snap_no_data}", f"-Pres_m={resolution if resolution else def_res}", f"-Pout={strings.to_cmd_string(out_dim)}", ], display_snap_opt=LOGGER.level == logging.DEBUG, ) LOGGER.debug("Converting %s", try: misc.run_cli(cmd_list) except RuntimeError as ex: raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong with SNAP!") from ex return snap_bands.split(",")
[docs] def extent(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get UTM extent of the tile, managing the case with not orthorectified bands. .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = "S3B_SL_1_RBT____20191115T233722_20191115T234022_20191117T031722_0179_032_144_3420_LN2_O_NT_003.SEN3" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.utm_extent() geometry 0 POLYGON ((1488846.028 6121896.451, 1488846.028... Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Footprint in UTM """ try: extent = super().extent() except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError) as ex: def get_min_max(substr: str, subdatasets: list) -> (float, float): """ Get min/max of a subdataset array Args: substr: Substring to identfy the subdataset subdatasets: List of subdatasets Returns: float, float: min/max of the subdataset """ path = [path for path in subdatasets if substr in path][0] with, "r") as sub_ds: # Open the 4 corners of the array height = sub_ds.height width = sub_ds.width scales = sub_ds.scales pt1 =, window=Window(0, 0, 1, 1)) * scales pt2 =, window=Window(width - 1, 0, width, 1)) * scales pt3 = (, window=Window(0, height - 1, 1, height)) * scales ) pt4 = ( 1, window=Window(width - 1, height - 1, width, height) ) * scales ) pt_list = [pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4] # Return min and max return np.min(pt_list), np.max(pt_list) if self.product_type == S3ProductType.OLCI_EFR: # Open geom_file = self.path.joinpath( "" ) # Only use nadir files with, "r") as geom_ds: lat_min, lat_max = get_min_max("latitude", geom_ds.subdatasets) lon_min, lon_max = get_min_max("longitude", geom_ds.subdatasets) elif self.product_type == S3ProductType.SLSTR_RBT: # Open geom_file = self.path.joinpath("") # Only use nadir files with, "r") as geom_ds: lat_min, lat_max = get_min_max("latitude_an", geom_ds.subdatasets) lon_min, lon_max = get_min_max("longitude_an", geom_ds.subdatasets) else: raise InvalidTypeError( f"Invalid products type {self.product_type}" ) from ex # Create wgs84 extent (left, bottom, right, top) extent_wgs84 = gpd.GeoDataFrame( geometry=[ vectors.from_bounds_to_polygon(lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max) ], crs=vectors.WGS84, ) # Get upper-left corner and deduce UTM proj from it utm = vectors.corresponding_utm_projection( extent_wgs84.bounds.minx, extent_wgs84.bounds.maxy ) extent = extent_wgs84.to_crs(utm) return extent
def _get_condensed_name(self) -> str: """ Get S3 products condensed name ({date}_S3_{tile]_{product_type}). Returns: str: Condensed name """ return f"{self.get_datetime()}_{}_{}"
[docs] def get_mean_sun_angles(self) -> (float, float): """ Get Mean Sun angles (Azimuth and Zenith angles) .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = "S3B_SL_1_RBT____20191115T233722_20191115T234022_20191117T031722_0179_032_144_3420_LN2_O_NT_003.SEN3" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.get_mean_sun_angles() (78.55043955912154, 31.172127033319388) Returns: (float, float): Mean Azimuth and Zenith angle """ if self._data_type == S3DataTypes.EFR: geom_file = self.path.joinpath("") sun_az = "SAA" sun_ze = "SZA" elif self._data_type == S3DataTypes.RBT: geom_file = self.path.joinpath("") # Only use nadir files sun_az = "solar_azimuth_tn" sun_ze = "solar_zenith_tn" else: raise InvalidTypeError( f"Unknown/Unsupported data type for Sentinel-3 data: {self._data_type}" ) # Open file if geom_file.is_file(): # Bug pylint with netCDF4 # pylint: disable=E1101 if isinstance(geom_file, CloudPath): netcdf_ds = netCDF4.Dataset(geom_file.fspath) else: netcdf_ds = netCDF4.Dataset(geom_file) # Get variables sun_az_var = netcdf_ds.variables[sun_az] sun_ze_var = netcdf_ds.variables[sun_ze] # Get sun angles as the mean of whole arrays azimuth_angle = float(np.mean(sun_az_var[:])) zenith_angle = float(np.mean(sun_ze_var[:])) # Close dataset netcdf_ds.close() else: raise InvalidProductError(f"Geometry file {geom_file} not found") return azimuth_angle, zenith_angle
def _read_mtd(self) -> (etree._Element, dict): """ Read metadata and outputs the metadata XML root and its namespaces as a dict .. code-block:: python >>> from eoreader.reader import Reader >>> path = "S3B_SL_1_RBT____20191115T233722_20191115T234022_20191117T031722_0179_032_144_3420_LN2_O_NT_003.SEN3" >>> prod = Reader().open(path) >>> prod.read_mtd() (<Element level1Product at 0x1b845b7ab88>, '') Returns: (etree._Element, dict): Metadata XML root and its namespace """ # Open first nc file as every file should have the global attributes # Here we don't know which type of product we have geom_file = self.path.joinpath("") if not geom_file.is_file(): geom_file = self.path.joinpath("") if not geom_file.is_file(): raise InvalidProductError( "This Sentinel-3 product has no geometry file !" ) # Open DS if isinstance(geom_file, CloudPath): netcdf_ds = netCDF4.Dataset(geom_file.fspath) else: netcdf_ds = netCDF4.Dataset(geom_file) # Parsing global attributes global_attr_names = [ "absolute_orbit_number", "comment", "contact", "creation_time", "history", "institution", "netCDF_version", "product_name", "references", "resolution", "source", "start_offset", "start_time", "stop_time", "title", # OLCI "ac_subsampling_factor", "al_subsampling_factor", # SLSTR "track_offset", ] global_attr = [ E(attr, str(getattr(netcdf_ds, attr))) for attr in global_attr_names if hasattr(netcdf_ds, attr) ] mtd = E.s3_global_attributes(*global_attr) mtd_el = etree.fromstring( etree.tostring( mtd, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8" ) ) return mtd_el, {} def _has_cloud_band(self, band: BandNames) -> bool: """ Does this products has the specified cloud band ? - SLSTR does - OLCI does not provide any cloud mask """ if self._instrument_name == S3Instrument.SLSTR and band in [ RAW_CLOUDS, ALL_CLOUDS, CLOUDS, CIRRUS, ]: has_band = True else: has_band = False return has_band def _load_clouds( self, bands: list, resolution: float = None, size: Union[list, tuple] = None ) -> dict: """ Load cloud files as xarrays. Read S3 SLSTR clouds from the flags file:cloud netcdf file. bit_id flag_masks (ushort) flag_meanings === === === 0 1US visible 1 2US 1.37_threshold 2 4US 1.6_small_histogram 3 8US 1.6_large_histogram 4 16US 2.25_small_histogram 5 32US 2.25_large_histogram 6 64US 11_spatial_coherence 7 128US gross_cloud 8 256US thin_cirrus 9 512US medium_high 10 1024US fog_low_stratus 11 2048US 11_12_view_difference 12 4096US 3.7_11_view_difference 13 8192US thermal_histogram 14 16384US spare 15 32768US spare Args: bands (list): List of the wanted bands resolution (int): Band resolution in meters size (Union[tuple, list]): Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided. Returns: dict: Dictionary {band_name, band_xarray} """ band_dict = {} if bands: if self._instrument_name == S3Instrument.OLCI: raise InvalidTypeError( "Sentinel-3 OLCI sensor does not provide any cloud file." ) all_ids = list(np.arange(0, 14)) cir_id = 8 cloud_ids = [id for id in all_ids if id != cir_id] try: cloud_path = files.get_file_in_dir( self._get_band_folder(), f"{self.condensed_name}_cloud_RAD.tif" ) except FileNotFoundError: self._preprocess_s3(resolution) cloud_path = files.get_file_in_dir( self._tmp_process, f"{self.condensed_name}_cloud_RAD.tif" ) if not cloud_path: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Unable to find the cloud mask for {self.path}" ) # Open cloud file clouds_array = cloud_path, resolution=resolution, size=size, resampling=Resampling.nearest, masked=False, ).astype(np.uint16) # Get nodata mask nodata = np.where(np.isnan(clouds_array), 1, 0) for band in bands: if band == ALL_CLOUDS: band_dict[band] = self._create_mask(clouds_array, all_ids, nodata) elif band == CLOUDS: band_dict[band] = self._create_mask(clouds_array, cloud_ids, nodata) elif band == CIRRUS: band_dict[band] = self._create_mask(clouds_array, cir_id, nodata) elif band == RAW_CLOUDS: band_dict[band] = clouds_array else: raise InvalidTypeError( f"Non existing cloud band for Sentinel-3 SLSTR: {band}" ) return band_dict def _create_mask( self, bit_array: xr.DataArray, bit_ids: Union[int, list], nodata: np.ndarray, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Create a mask masked array (uint8) from a bit array, bit IDs and a nodata mask. Args: bit_array (xr.DataArray): Conditional array bit_ids (Union[int, list]): Bit IDs nodata (np.ndarray): Nodata mask Returns: xr.DataArray: Mask masked array """ if not isinstance(bit_ids, list): bit_ids = [bit_ids] conds = rasters.read_bit_array(bit_array, bit_ids) cond = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, conds) # Use every conditions (bitwise or) cond_arr = np.where(cond, self._mask_true, self._mask_false).astype(np.uint8) cond_arr = np.squeeze(cond_arr) try: cond_arr = features.sieve(cond_arr, size=10, connectivity=4) except TypeError: # Manage dask arrays that fails with rasterio sieve cond_arr = features.sieve(cond_arr.compute(), size=10, connectivity=4) cond_arr = np.expand_dims(cond_arr, axis=0) return super()._create_mask(bit_array, cond_arr, nodata)