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eoreader_logo EOReader

EOReader is a multi-satellite reader allowing you to open optical and SAR data.




+ Sentinel-2 & Theia
+ Sentinel-3 OLCI & SLSTR
+ Landsats 1 - 8
+ PlanetScope
+ Pleiades
+ SPOT 6-7

+ Sentinel-1
+ COSMO-Skymed
+ TerraSAR-X

It also implements additional sensor-agnostic features:

EOReader works with xarrays.DataArray and geopandas.GeoDataFrames

Python Quickstart

The main features of EOReader are gathered hereunder. For optical data:

>>> from eoreader.reader import Reader
>>> from eoreader.bands.alias import *

>>> # Landsat-5 MSS path, can be found in CI/DATA
>>> l5_path = "LM05_L1TP_200029_19841014_20200902_02_T2.tar"

>>> # Create the reader object and open satellite data
>>> eoreader = Reader()
>>> l5_prod =  # The Reader will recognize the satellite type from its structure

>>> # Get the footprint of the product (usable data) and its extent (envelope of the tile)
>>> footprint = l5_prod.footprint()
>>> extent = l5_prod.extent()

>>> # Specify a DEM to load DEM bands
>>> import os
>>> from eoreader.env_vars import DEM_PATH
>>> os.environ[DEM_PATH] = "my_dem.tif"

>>> # Load some bands and index: they will all share the same metadata
>>> bands = l5_prod.load([NDVI, GREEN, HILLSHADE, CLOUDS])

>>> # Create a stack with some other bands
>>> stack = l5_prod.stack([NDWI, RED, SLOPE])

>>> # Read Metadata
>>> mtd, namespace = l5_prod.read_mtd()

For SAR data:

>>> from eoreader.reader import Reader
>>> from eoreader.bands.alias import *

>>> # Sentinel-1 GRD path, not provided in package
>>> s1_path = ""

>>> # Create the reader object and open satellite data
>>> eoreader = Reader()
>>> s1_prod =  # The Reader will recognize the satellite type from its name

>>> # Get the footprint of the product (usable data) and its extent (envelope of the tile)
>>> footprint = s1_prod.footprint()
>>> extent = s1_prod.extent()

>>>  # Specify a DEM to load DEM bands
>>> import os
>>> from eoreader.env_vars import DEM_PATH
>>> os.environ[DEM_PATH] = "my_dem.tif"

>>> # Load some bands and index: they will all share the same metadata
>>> bands = s1_prod.load([VV, VV_DSPK, DEM])

>>> # Create a stack with some other bands
>>> stack = s1_prod.stack([VV, VV_DSPK, SLOPE])

>>> # Read Metadata
>>> mtd, namespace = s1_prod.read_mtd()

Sentinel-3 and SAR products need SNAP gpt to be geocoded. Ensure that you have the folder containing your gpt executable in your PATH.


The API documentation can be found here.


Available notebooks provided as examples:



You can install EOReader via pip:

pip install eoreader

EOReader mainly relies on geopandas and rasterio (through rioxarray).

On Windows and with pip, you may face installation issues due to GDAL. The well known workaround of installing from Gohlke’s wheels also applies here. Please look at the rasterio page to learn more about that.


You can install EOReader via conda:

conda config --env --set channel_priority strict

conda install -c conda-forge eoreader


EOReader is licensed under Apache License v2.0. See LICENSE file for details.


EOReader has been created by ICube-SERTIT.


EOReader is built on top of amazing libs, without which it couldn’t have been coded: